Duplicate window / Open new window in Proton Mail Desktop App
When right click on Proton Desktop App in the menu we should have two options:
1. Duplicate app window (which will duplicate the current logged window withouth asking to reauthenticate, similar how a duplicate tab works in a browser).
2. Open new window (opening a new window which will ask for authentication - this is usefull if you want to use the app with different accounts at the same time).
Marco commented
At the very least, it should be possible to open multiple windows; especially as the Calendar App opens in the same window:
Very often I find myself sending emails for meetings, etc. where I need to look up dates/times in Calendar, while typing up the email;Right now this is not possible in the Desktop App, so I need to keep a browser window open with the Calendar, this is annoying and not particularly useful.
Please add a "Window/New Window" menu item, and allow the user to have multiple windows open.