Resizable desktop window
I have a sideways 1440p monitor for keeping things I need to watch open.
The window of the mail app cannot be resized so that it can fit in half the height of the display. (720 pixels)
The browser version fits fine.
In addition, the height of the window also will not fit to 720 pixels.

Nathan commented
Agree--this is a huge usability issue. While ProtonMail app for macOS works great on larger resolution screens, my primary personal MacBook Air typically runs at 1280x800 or sometimes 1440x800 and the lack of resize-ability is very frustrating. Every app should have that core UI functionality before getting out of alpha or beta, let alone general release production code.
B G Rook commented
On a windows desktop on a full HD monitor, the client window is too tall to fit even with the bottom menu hidden,