Editor : expand vertically
Right now we have two options for the editor :
either a tiny windows at the bottom of the screen
or its expanded version that takes all the screen
It lacks an intermediate solution. For example I like to have my editor on the left and the email i'm responding to on the right. I would like to be able to expand the editor vertically, in order for it to take ~100% of window's height.
Brian Jaikens commented
I couldn't find a expand option. So I had to hack the HTML to make the editor window useable. A clear option for expanding the window would make a huge difference.
Trying to look professional at the same time with your emails is important. So making your signature look like you are a professional business make a difference. -
Guy Scott commented
The tiny editor is is so small that its almost unusable. I'd like to see the ability to not only freely resize the compose window, but to move it outside of the main app window so that in my dual screen setup, I can leave the app in my small display to the side, and pull the compose window to my large display directly in front of me when I'm composing an especially long email.