Improve Self-Destruct
Self-Destruct function is a great feature but is some space for improvements.
Self destruct in 7 days (please allow us to change this default value according to preference (for example "Self destruct in 27 days", etc...). in other words, allow us to set a value for the default destruction period.
Option to set a Global Self-Destruction for all incoming mails.
Option to set Self-Destruction for particular folders which to overwrite the Global Self-Destruction setting.
In contacts application add a field where we can set a Self-Destruct period for all mails received from that contact email address/addresses which to overwrite all Global and folder Self-destruct settings.
Also in contacts application add a field where we can set an Expiration period for all mails sent to that contact email address/addresses.

Darooba commented
That is exactly what I need. A nice way to implement this feature is to simply have the option self-destruct in... available in the filters settings.
There are a lot of subscription emails that are obsolete after a week so there is no point to store them, not even in a separate folder.