Size criteria in search for emails
I am currently using gmail and I just tried the free version of protonmail. I really would like to change for proton mail but I have only one persisting reluctance : in order, in the future, to free some space in my email box, I would like to be able to search for emails that are more than ... X MB. In Gmail, you may know that this size criterium in the search for emails is available : you can select, say, all the emails that are more than 6MB. With this functionnality, it is very easy to empty your email box. I indeed passed from 12GB to 3GB on my gmail account by using this functionnality, in 15 minutes, it was done!!! If you could create this functionality, I would definitely come to protonmail premium right away. You should really consider this, this really helps people to empty their box of junk, useless and heavy emails, and this is obviously something good for the planet! Isn't that in your goals...? Many thanks for your answer, hope you can do this soon. Romain