Proton Mail Windows App
Windows App

Melinda van Hees commented
is proton mail for windows still not there?
Dorado commented
Do it !!!
Terrence Bronson Yellowquill-Hill commented
is this a vote for your other products to get a windows app too?, cause proton pass needs integration with windows app or I'm more likely to use the 1competitor
unknown commented
Proton User commented
Instead of logging into my browser all the time, a native Windows app including Calendar and Contacts would be a great addition to Proton.
Baruc De Los Santos Izquierdo commented
Please, I love it all about Proton, I think will be easier admin the calendar, VPN, drive, and mail from an app instead browser
Brandon L commented
Windows 10 app would be nice, but love it. I'm planning to switch over to plus when I have a bigger budget. Thanks, I think edward snowden is right to use you as his email service. I love the privacy. Make me feel free again :)
Dieter commented
I would like to have a dedicated Windows app for Protonmail instead of having to use a browser.
Darryl K commented
I would really like to have a dedicated app especially to keep offline copies of my email. I am nervous having my only copy of emails and attachments cloud only. Keeping it as part of the paid tier would also help to defray some of the development cost.
[Deleted User] commented
Ziga commented
Make ProtonMail app for Windows OS, what else to say....
Anonymous commented
Can you provide a Windows 10 app that will let me make Proton Mail my default mail service.
Anonymous commented
Apologies if this has already been raised - I haven't searched, so it could well have been..
Do you have any plans to introduce a windows app that can replace the current browser interface with something that is as secure as the Android/iOS ones? I'm not a technical expert in this area, but with a browser container, aren't you reliant on external, and therefore uncertain and shifting, security and privacy measures which must devolve onto the user rather than being inbuilt to your own software?
Maybe I have this wrong.. -
Anonymous commented
I have trouble typing and an app would make it easier
Dan commented
I see that this idea of a Windows app has been floating around for a while now ... mail services accessed through a browser diminish the security of the communication process, please focus on releasing an app that can be installed in Windows completely separate from any web browser, something like Outlook ... And this Bridge you have posted now ... it is NOT what a majority of users would like to use. We need an app with a nice, clean, clear interface with features and bells and whistles ... at least for us, the paid members of your services
Anonymous commented
Please have a Windows 10 Protonmail App, that is the default mail app for Windows 10. The Bridge and Thunderbird solution is not good. Please make a native app for Windows, its sorely missing. And this app should activate as the default mail app when clicking mail links in the browser.
Rajavarun commented
Please create proton mail App for windows and Linux
name commented
YES!!!! The web version is a cramped nightmare of nesting doll windows that get smaller, smaller, smaller, until only 1/3 of the screen is actually the composing function. A separate page for composing at the very least would be an improvement. For now no screen is big enough to properly view composing an email.
Anonymous commented
Develop a windows app similar to the Android experience
Anonymous commented
Constantly bugs me that I cannot set protonmail as default email app. Either in windows or in protonmail. PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP?!?!?