Mobile app for Jolla's Sailfish OS
Protonmail is a great service, but protecting your emails is still not enough to guarantee privacy. Considering that Google openly admits it is capitalizing on all the data stored in our Android devices, and that Apple or BlackBerry simply do not communicate on the data that they collect, protecting our privacy will require more than encrypted emails.
A new smartphone software company focused on software has been launched by former Nokia employees: Jolla ( It is focused on data privacy, and wishes to become an alternative to Android. It has already shipped a smartphone and a tablet.
How about a Protonmail app for Jolla? The OS is compatible with Android apps, so porting should be easy.

baxyz commented
Not necessarily an app, could be an account bridge (like Exchange or Proton Bridge)
Anonymous commented
Will this be done? Who do I pay?
Anonymous commented
Want that app : )
Arthur commented
I will sign up for a professional account NOW with VPN if there's a native client for SailfishOS. I'll even install the VPN on my router
Anonymous commented
Sailfish OS is going strong. I am looking forward to see a native ProtonMail app for it.
Anonymous commented
Native for SFOS would be good.
Jan commented
Hope to see this.
Joakim commented
I really agree this idea/ plan, for me this is one of the most greatest thing that protomail can offer!
Risto commented
Sailfish should go further towards the niche of specializing in serving the civil society, social business/sharing economy (real), and individual users valuing security & opensource. Native Protonmail app would be one fantastic step towards this direction.
Fernando commented
I think that a very secure email like ProtonMail needs a very secure mobile environment like Sailfish OS is. A native app for Sailfish Os for sure will improve the people privacy. Please contact the community, for sure you'll have the help you need to integrate ProtonMail in Sailfish OS. Please contact us via and Jolla Fan Club @telegram group accessible via
Aniruddha commented
The mess jolla did with tablet delivery is epic & maybe very handful number of people would like to invest in next jolla device. I tested jolla on my nexus 4 & there may be lot of things could have been done, but dont think the company management doing anything good for company & maybe sailfish os will go in sleep mode for long time. Hope I will be wrong
Anonymous commented
Hi there,
although Jolla indeed support android, we should get a native protonmail app for sailfish. That's rpm based, opensource, clearly controlable.So +1 for native App!
That would fit well with the philosophy of protonmail.
Thanks in advance guys,
cheers. -
Alex Nowhere commented
i think that we can use android app(but it`s not good). native app will be very cool!
I didn't see api for protonmail(give me a link if it exists),i would like to develop this application)