Add Settings toggle to disable pop up promotional ads from Proton (e.g., Black Friday promo)
As a paid Proton subscriber, when I open Proton VPN I am receiving a pop up modal advertising Proton promotions, such as the Black Friday 2024 deals. I can close the pop up, but it will reappear from time to time. I believe it is hostile to the user experience to not give us the option to opt out of annoying advertisements.
Please add a Settings toggle in the application that will enable users to disable pop up promotions from Proton.
User Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a paid subscriber of Proton,
When I open the "Proton VPN" application Settings,
Then I should have an option to toggle a "Disable promotional Proton advertisements" setting.

Lord Tyler Usernamington III commented
"Massive Advertisement Popup in Proton":
BillyBobMud commented
I noticed this being discussed in the Proton community on Lemmy.