Show and book available appointments (like Calendly)
The functionality of Calendly and others similar to it has been a godsend to my business and daily operations. Effectively, my Calendly account is tied to my Google Calendar and allows for users I share my public Calendly link with the opportunity to schedule a preset block of time with me on my public Calendar. This is automattically added to my "private" calendar on Google (lol). The users cannot see any details on my calendar, just the slots that are available to meet with me, whether in person or remote, with options I preselect through a questionaire they fill out.
Having a feature like this within ProtonCalendar/Mail would be INCREDIBLE and very useful for a lot of people.
Blue commented
Offer an Appointment Scheduler service similar to the commercial Calendly or the open-source Easy!Appointments to allow clients to self-schedule appointments. This could be a premium service integrated into the Calendar. Users need an appointment scheduling service that protect user privacy for both business and client, free of data mining.
Anonymous commented
Hello, there is already a thread on this topic. Please vote there,
Anonymous commented
Hello, there is already a thread on this topic. Please vote there,
Anonymous commented
Hello, there is already a thread on this topic. Please vote there,
Anonymous commented
Hello, there is already a thread on this topic. Please vote there,
Anonymous commented
Hello, Please see if you can provide integration with Calendly or something similar, it really does save time!
David commented
I use ProtonVPN for my organization.
Not being able to integrate Calendly into Proton Mail is the only reason we haven't switched to Proton Mail.
Jan Baykara commented
This is probably the only reason we'd go with Google Calendar instead of Proton Calendar in my organisation right now.
Jan Baykara commented
Yes, absolutely! Alternatively, a way to hook into tools like or Calendly.
Amokrane T commented
As an independent consultant who meets a lot of clients, I would like to send them a link to allow them to book a consultation with me directly from my Proton Calendar.
In case it wasn’t clear, I’m basically asking for something similar to Calendly, or to what Microsoft did in Microsoft 365 (called Microsoft Booking)
Dave commented
Yes! I reccomend that you you put a vote and a comment here so that there is stronger, unified representation of this desire:
Dave commented
This is the most important feature for me to switch to Proton Calendar. Calendly and Harmonizely.
If the hurdle for Proton is that a 3rd party will have access to our calendar, well that's really our choice who we share our private data with.
K Young commented
Tracy commented
100% agree with this request
Anonymous commented
Yes! I too am working on getting everything off Google and this is the only reason I haven't fully committed to Proton Calendar. A Calendly (or something comparable) integration would be absolutely amazing!!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Any updates on this? I am trying to get everything off of Google and this is the last hangup!
Anonymous commented
I agree- I may have to switch to gmail and use google calendar - is a Calendly plugin
in the works? Thank you, Bohdanna -
MK commented
Yes, adding a Calendly integration would be great.
Rikard Cidh commented
This is a great feature if implemented. Been using both and Microsoft Bookings which have helped me alot in my daily work.