Have many more color options for the calendars
Have many more ranges of colors thant we could define in a color rainbow to choose for the calendars, as it is the case for google clanedar or infomaniak.

Whisper Loudly commented
I use calendar colors "semantically", such that the color of a calendar and its events tells me something about it (type, priority, etc). The built-in colors for Proton Calendar are utterly useless to me in this regard. I also find that the pastel colors blend in the Android app's month view, making events difficult to distinguish with a quick glance. Google's colors leave a lot to be desired, but they're miles better than Proton Calendar. Until I began using Proton Calendar, I hadn't realized how much I rely on the color "semantics" to make information stand out.
I really don't understand how someone puts in the work to add calendar colors, but then nerfs the feature by hard coding just 5 basic color groups, with 4 largely indistinguishable variations of each. Just add a color wheel! If there's some sick need to hard code a limited set of colors, then use fewer variations of more base colors, pick colors with greater differences between them, and include some primaries!
ND commented
The default color palatte is fine, but I don't like the color choices for some of the categories I use. The way my brain works, I need more colors and SHADES of colors to really make the calendar work the way I want it to work for ME. It works and I've grown accustomed to the LIMITED color choices, but I don't LIKE it. I want more...and I want them for the calendars *and* events.
Ho commented
The current day highlight is VERY subtle.
Rachel commented
Have many more ranges of colors thant we could define in a color rainbow to choose for the calendars, as it is the case for google clanedar or infomaniak.