Support third party integrations (Zoom, Calendly)
Would you be able to have Calendly and Zoom be integrated into your calendar? This will help me have Zoom links and email reminders saved in my Proton Mail business mail calendar without having to rely on my Gmail calendar and account for these features which is the whole point of moving away from Gmail and into Proton Mail and save me money from paying Gmail and Proton Mail for the same service. I would absolutely love it to have you be able to integrate Calendly and Zoom into Proton Calendar. This will help me run my business smoothly without having my data being harvested by Gmail. I look forward to your response as I submitted a request to Zoom and Calendly to approach Proton Mail to integrate their features with your calendar.
Jayden commented
1) From what I understand, the integration of Zoom into Proton Calendar is very recent, right?
2) Who's to say Proton is not going to integrate other video conference platforms into its Calendar in the future?
3) Zoom is optional anyway, isn't it? You are not forced to use it. You can integrate a link in the Calendar from any other platform, no? -
Someone commented
hate the way this was implemented with only one terrible offering: ZOOM who lied about e2ee being forced on us.
Proton uses arguments that this was asked by the community a lot 320 is votes is pretty low on this forum... it was never marked as planned either.
proton should offer better alternatives.
John-Paul Flintoff commented
I would really like to see this very SOON, please.
It’s incredibly time-consuming to work around this. -
James Watson commented
I completely agree with the following comment from one of the contributors to this subject: Anonymous commented · January 26, 2024 12:56 AM · Report
It would be nice to completely replicate Calendly, as Google just did with their Google calendar.In relation to Zoom and other integrations, that's definitely something we need to have. At the moment, we have Brave Talk which is great for a small circle of users, but I feel other more popular 3rd party tools are required too, for example Zoom, Google Meet, MS Teams etc.
Ryan commented
I also run my business via a custom domain linked into Proton, and not being able to connect Zoom to my calendar is causing a ton of friction. I'm actively looking for better options, but I'd love to keep everything inside of Proton.
Ray commented
Also running into roadblocks utilizing Proton to run my business without a calendar integration.
David Callihan commented
Is there any progress on this request?
Tara Thomas commented
Truly defeats the purpose of leaving the googleverse if all the software integrations aren't possible. I would be totally happy with the suggestion made on Github to simply allow events to be added to the calendar via emails.
- commented
C’mon Proton! Please prioritise this feature. As others have commented they are considering moving away from Proton because of the lack of integration with Calendly etc.., or not joining at all. This is a deal breaker for me too.
MD commented
I won't be able to switch over professionally to Calendar until Zoom integrations are possible.
Elliot commented
This is still a must have for me to use the calendar. I really want to use it, especially as I'm already paying for it with Proton Unlimited, but this is really basic functionality for a calendar these days. In particular I'm interesting in integration.
Karel commented
Support for third party integrations could also mean syncing with external calendars.
I'm using Timetree and can't sync it with Proton Calendar as it's not an OS or Google calendar, which is kind of a bummer.
Adam commented
I know that Zoom is a "god" of online meeting for many. Then I would like to see Webex Meeting integrated as well.
Chad commented
Add in there as well.
Also, other conferencing (many which would align better with Proton's state philosophy): Jami, Jitsi, Mirotalk Signal, Simplex, Threema, etc.
This issue has become a major hurdle for me. I need to be able to have clients access online scheduling and book appointments, which requires that the online booking be able to cross reference my calendar (as well as post events to it) to avoid overbooking.
The current work-around I have right now doesn't work since Proton Calendar fails to push updates to shared links reliably let alone in a timely manner. Which that alone is completely unacceptable.
ryan edison commented
If you dont allow third apps to manage proton calendars, than you should create your own aggregator.
I stopped using proton calendar atm.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to completely replicate Calendly, as Google just did with their Google calendar.
In relation to Zoom and other integrations, that's definitely something we need to have. At the moment, we have Brave Talk which is great for a small circle of users, but I feel other more popular 3rd party tools are required too, for example Zoom, Google Meet, MS Teams etc.
Brandon Pendleton commented
Also tools like Skedpal or Motion for cal sync and scheduling. I enjoy smart scheduling and would love one interface for everything to come from Proton.
Michael commented
Lacking an appointment booking tool with proton calendar is the only factor that blocks me from taking a paid subscription.
John Sweeney commented
This is one of a number of blockers that mean, unfortunately, I can't consider using Proton Calendar whatsoever. The feature set just doesn't stack up compared to the competition, and I wish Proton as a company focused on fewer services with each getting more attention.
Like, sure, you have a calendar offering. But it doesn't support widgets on my phone, it doesn't support my tablet at all, I can't get Zoom meetings added to it... who uses this? Who thinks this is the best option available? Why is it not considered a beta release?
Peter commented
Unless there is support for 3rd party apps, Proton Calendar is useless to me.