Would be nice to have a "reminder" feature in addition to events
Basically "reminders" as in Google Calendar would be ideal. Main difference with Events is duration (no duration for reminder, a thin line in the calendar) and, most importantly, that reminder moves ahead in time continuously if I did not acknowledge it. By that I mean each time I open calendar I see these reminders that are not done yet. Currently I use Events also for reminders, but if I can't do the task right at the time of notification I easily forget it because I don't see it e.g. the next day.

Dan commented
Yes, love the Reminders dialog in Outlook that keeps a list of all the events you have not dismissed. Great for reminders for those things I put on the calendar as placeholders and provides link access to update or move the event.
Chris Owen commented
Agreed. Reminders (unrelated to event entries) are very handy as memory ticklers. In order to completely supplant Google Calendar, reminders are vital.
Daniel Matysiak commented
Redundant feature request with votes that should be added to this request: https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/932842-proton-calendar/suggestions/45069724-proton-calendar-reminders
Martin K commented
I would like to see the email reappear at the requested date and time for the reminder. I get too many emails in one day and often need to go back the next day to identify which emails still require action on my part. Simply marking the email as "unread" is not sufficient.
Would also like to see a "pin" function so that these emails stay at the top of all email lists and do not get removed until I take the "pin" off (similar to flags)