German Holidays in german
PLEASE translate the (german) holidays!
I did it for you:
1.1. Neujahr (New Year's Day)
6.1. Heilige Drei Könige (Epiphany)
20.3. (24) Frühlingsanfang (March Equinox)
29.3. (24) Karfreitag (Good Friday)
31.3. (24) Ostersonntag (Easter)
1.4. (24) Ostermontag (Easter Monday)
1.5. Tag der Arbeit (Labour Day)
9.5. (24) Himmelfahrt, Vatertag (Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, Father's Day)
12.5. (24) Muttertag (Mothersday)
19.5. (24) Pfingstsonntag (Pentecost Sunday)
20.5.0(24) Pfingstmontag (Pentecost Monday)
30.5. (24) Fronleichnam (Feast of Corpus Christ)
20.6. Sommeranfang (June Solstice)
15.8. "Mariä Aufnahme in den Himmel" or " Maria Himmelfahrt" (Assumption of Mary)
22.9. Herbstanfang (September Equinox)
3.10. Tag der deutschen Einheit (German Unity Day)
31.10. Reformationstag (Reformation Day)
1.11. Allerheiligen (All Saint's Day)
20.11. Buß- und Bettag (Repentance and Prayer Day)
21.12. Winteranfang (December Solstice)
24.12. Heiligabend (Christmas Eve)
25.12. 1. Weihnachtstag (First Day of Christmastide)
26.12. 2. Weihnachtstag (Second Day of Christmastide)
31.12. Sylvester (New Year's Eve)
Somebody just exchange the english for the german. It's so distracting!
Proton Localization commented
They should display in German now.