Improve workflow with context menu
Using Proton Calendar can be made faster and more intuitive by allowing as many basic actions as possible to be completed without context menus and confirmation prompts. See below for the full explanation.
Allow event duration to be modified by dragging event extremities.
Allow more granular control over event duration, in 15/10/5 minute increments.
Allow an option to disable confirmation prompts when making changes by dragging/extending events.
The Proton Calendar can be very slow and old-fashioned. Making changes requires opening a menu and confirming changes. Even after the context menu, saving the changes takes a few moments. This makes planning your day with Proton Calendar a longer and more tedious process than it needs to be.
The Apple Calendar remains the gold standard for efficient, intuitive workflow: it allows users to move and resize events directly by dragging events and extending them from their edges. These changes made directly in the calendar view, without context menus, are also immediate and require no "save" confirmation. The logic being that, unlike context menus, you can directly see the changes you are making, making the need for confirmation excessive; coupled with the fact that changes can just as easily be reverted.
This makes creating events, moving and resizing them extremely efficient by avoiding context menus as much as possible.
Dragging to set an event duration is already possible when creating the event by holding a click and dragging over the desired time slot. This feature needs to be extended to modify existing events, by extending or compressing their duration.
Any event that isn't in 30 minute increments currently cannot be created through the drag action - it requires opening a context menu and setting the value manually. Increasing the granularity of drag to 15/10/5 minute increments avoids having to open a context menu.
Currently, it is not possible to move an event without a confirmation prompt opening the full context menu. This action, and the drag to resize action, should at least have an option to disable confirmation prompts to make ineracting with Proton Calendar faster.
TL;DR: The proposed changes here are aimed at avoiding the need for context menus for basic calendar actions. This would increase worflow and make Proton Calendar faster and more intuitive to use. Context menus are still available by clicking an event to edit.