Add attachments to events
It would be very helpful/useful/convenient if file attachments could be added to calendar events... this would minimize having to search through drive to bring up a document that is related to an event.

Stefan D commented
This seems to be a duplicate to
Anonymous commented
or link files directly from Proton Drive.
H commented
yes! For the mobile apps: open Proton Calendar, add new event, open camera, make photo and attach it directly tot the event, save it. Very handy.
travel info, invitation info, hardcopy invitations with meeting details (i.e. hospital info, etc), minutes of meeting afterwards, agreements made during the meeting, etc...
Reuben Hochstetler commented
I'm curious what happens when a calendar event is shared with a Proton Calendar user if the event has an attached file.
Rwd commented
This would very practical for adding travel information to the calendar