To Do List Section / To Do Item List Under Events
I feel each calendar entry should have a "to-do" option underneath the "description option". For example, if I had "Shopping" from 4-5:30pm, I could create a checklist of food and goods that I need. Or, if I was developing a website from 6pm to 8pm, I could mark down "Fix CSS bug, begin "About Us" page, begin to make site more responsive, deploy VPS" etc.
Or, if I created an all day event that occurs every day, I could use the to-do to mark off habits, kindof like a Notion productivity tracker. I.e. on the all day event, "Check email, walk at least 4 miles, work 2 hours on xyz, brush teeth, feed goldfish, meditate" etc.
Maybe even a daily to-do section or habit tracker couldn't hurt, but I wouldn't mind doing it manually with an all day event.
wep commented
Yeah I miss that so much! Please add this and I will stop use google calendar. I need to be very organized and schedlued for my job and tasks in calendar really helps me.
And if there be some option to share someone calendars, like my friend google calendar which he want to shere with me, to my Proton calendar that would be amazing! -
Tommaso commented
The possibility to create a Task in Google Calendar is the only thing missing from Proton Calendar that makes me continue to use Google as my primary calendar. I am eagerly awaiting this feature!!!
Reuben Hochstetler commented
Instead of a to-do add rich text support in the notes section with checkbox as an option.
colinmunro commented
A "to-do" option under each calendar entry would be a game-changer for productivity! It would allow for easy tracking of tasks and habits within events, making it similar to a Notion productivity tracker. Whether it’s for daily habits or specific tasks during an event, this feature would streamline organization. Also, check out for more inspiration and content!
Harsh commented
I have made a similar feature request. what do you think of suggestions provided? (