Remove dependance on google play services
Protonmail android app is dependent on google play services and that is obviously against privacy and security.
Users who removed/disable google play services or used vanilla "lineageos" without gapps cannot get the mail client work properly.
Google play services collect every possible piece of info about the user; location, body sensors, application usage, and every other possible thing. So telling the use to enable/install google services you compromise his privacy and security by 3rd party app which is clearly against the idea if Protomail.
I hope you can correct this and have no dependence on google at all.

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Anonymous commented
I think that would be an important step to live up to the principles of ProtonMail. I will not use it when I have to dwonload it from the googleplay Store. But it would also be enough to download the APK directly from ProtonMail
Anonymous commented
Add alternative downloads, we need to check app details for security , impossible only one store ! google have to much malware apps and they never keep privacy, because they selling everything. Minimum is 2 ways(downloads) and details(date, filesize, MD5, ....) on your website.
Google is the last in the row....i never get some money, for spying, from them!!!! -
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Anonymous commented
Several privacy/security conscious Android options do not use Google Play Services. This is by design, as GPS is seen as a backdoor for Google to our data. The market for such phones is likely the same people who left Gmail for ProtonMail to begin with.
The default option for email on these phones is usually IMAP, either through polling or P-IMAP notification. Polling seems to work quite well here, and, if the poll time is properly adjusted, the battery hit is minimal.
It would be helpful if the ProtonMail Android App had some set of options, like IMAP, that allow for notifications without Google Services. This doesn't necessarily have to be a default feature, just a way to get notifications without opening ourselves up to Google.
Anonymous commented
For what it's worth, the Protonmail APK will run without Google Play Services installed, there are just no push notifications. However, there are some things that are annoying about this that seem to be remarkably easy for Protonmail to fix:
1. It would be nice if the APK could be downloaded directly from ProtonMail. I shouldn't be required to load Play and Google Services on my phone, or use some other more sketchy or hacky method with large potential security flaw just to load the APK. Just let us download from the ProtonMail site with a secure login as an option.
2. It would be nice if the app had an option to poll the email server at a reasonable interval (5min-10min). I get that Protonmail developers might see GPS - at the moment, anyway - as the most secure option for push notifications. But GPS opens up a lot of other vulnerabilities on our phones. Polling ProtonMail servers directly for notification is a far more secure option. I'm guessing that many that bother to use ProtonMail as their primary email would be OK trading the additional battery & data usage for security.
Jeff commented
Paid user here. The dependency on google is a huge privacy concern. Privacy and security are why I use PM. I get the push notification problem, however, this is an insignificant problem. Take a look at K-9 Mail. This app is able to provide me with notifications across a few different email services by polling the servers at an interval I can set. This solution could be implemented with PM.
Honestly, for me, this privacy faux pas is a bigger issue than not having a calendar yet. You're still small, that's okay. When you advertise as a security and privacy focused company you should focus on privacy and security first. Google is neither private nor securesecure. It just isn't part of their advertisement business model.
[Deleted User] commented
I love Protonmail but I cannot understand how a service which is supposed to give priority to privacy depends so much on Google services.
Already a paid user of mail and VPN but considering moving out from Protonmail to my new created ******** address. I am not happy with that because I would like me being considering to upgrade to a better suscription rather than being considering leaving from it.
Please upload the Protonmail Android app to F-Droid. Sorry, English is not my ****** language.
[Deleted User] commented
I love Protonmail but I cannot understand how a service which is supposed to give priority to privacy depends so much on Google services.
Already a paid user of mail and VPN but considering moving out from Protonmail to my newly created ******** address. I am not happy with that because I would like me being considering to upgrade to a better Protonmail subscription rather than being considering leaving from it.
Please upload the Protonmail Android app to F-Droid
giostark commented
This is driving me insane too. How is possible that for download the mobile app I MUST have the PLAY STORE/play service ON MY MOBILE ?!?!?!?
The most powerful snoop tool on this planet?!?! LOL
Every time I ask for the mobile app you propose the beta version. This is NOT FAIR.
Then... if I click on the received mail for join the beta app (I already joined in the past) the browser report , no matter what , " BETA by CRASHLYRICS - OPEN THE INVITATION EMAIL ON YOUR DEVICE TO BEGIN REGISTERING FOR BETA TESTING". And stuck there!!!!!!!!!
My logical patience is coming to the end... -
Anonymous commented
The reliance was a big issue. Thanks for the f droid suggestion.
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Twilight commented
You can't rescue people from a burning building (i.e. Facebook) without going in there yourself. Just remember to wear a fireproof suit!
Protonmail doesn't want to encourage people to start using Facebook, but they do want to reach them in order to give them a chance at reclaiming their privacy.
Also, Google is only to a "lesser extent" because they somehow managed to avoid scandals like Facebook has been drowning in. Their time will come, and when it does I predict the scandals will be even uglier (Is a Google Home lurking in your home yet?).
James commented
Another vote for this. Paid subscriber.
Marco commented
It would be really great to have this app available on fdroid and free from play services
Joe commented
Things like this are why I don't upgrade.
Could we at least have an explanation of the necessity?
Anonymous commented
Companies need to reach new users - and not everyone shares the same privacy concerns. If they aren't on that platform, whole swaths of potential users may never even learn about Protonmail, or why privacy should matter - which is way worse than some business Facebook profile used for PR.