Quantumcomputer Encryption [SECURITY THREAT]
"SAVE NOW, DECRYPT LATER" is a big threat to all of our data and it's affecting us already.
Considering Proton is at the frontier of online security and the relatively new announcements of NISTs Quantum Encryption methods, I would suggest you look into applicability of those methods to your services.
I hope this makes it up the ladder, because this SECURITY BREACH AFFECTS EVERY PROTON USER AND EVERY SINGLE INFORMATION: Starting with all email traffic, to drive documents, calendar and even all browser history through ProtonVPN. To go even further, proton users and VPN exit nodes could be specially monitored, considering their interest in privacy and high percentage of journalists and similar people with sensitive information.
Your users would surely all be really glad to hear they're save against "Save now, Decrypt later" attacks, new users would roll over too, and it would set a great example for other industries; and since you're not only at the frontier of online security & privacy but also engineering folk, which translates new research into applicable everyday usage, IF NOT YOU, THAN WHO?