Proton Linux Distro or recommended list
This is likely so far outside of Proton's business sphere that it's an instant no-go, but... consider this a "Dear Santa," however unlikely:
Like a whole lot of people disgusted with Microsoft's Orwell 10 Terms of Use requirement that users acquiesce to coding that lays their entire computer open to the presumably angelic little MS employees in their cubicles up in Redmond, Wa, USA, I'm looking for an alternative OS so I can ditch the Microsoft Borg altogether. (Windows 7 is getting a little difficult to work with these days. 8^) And given that Apple is just as bad if not worse (and I can't stand their GUI in any case,) that means: Linux.
So the instant concern for me with Linux is that given a.) open source - which contrary to popular opinion I do not see as a necessary positive - and b.) any distro that you download leaves you at the mercy of the author(s) of that distro and with a leap-of-faith trust in their ethics... wouldn't it be great if an already-trusted entity like Proton were to produce its own set of downloadable Linux distros?
A ton of work, presumably, but failing that: How about Proton host a page with a collection of Linux distros that Proton has vetted for integrity, so that people seeking to divorce themselves from Microsoft can pick a LInux variety with reasonable confidence?
Currently I'm struggling to get a Linux variant called Robolinux running - which promises the ability to run Windows programs on it hassle-free, among a bunch of other appealing privacy-related features - but have come up against its creator's incredible, unprovoked hostility and rudeness to any user with the audacity to ask something as simple as "how can I get the iso file to boot from a disc?" And this after having forked over 60 bucks USD for his Advanced Update package, on the expectation that he might be at least a little grateful to his customers. Ohhhboy. 'Will flail away at this until my patience runs out, and then it's off to... search for another distro that's trustworthy.
Which is by no means a definite thing. Hence the desire for a reputable source - like Proton - to present a selection that's been vetted for ethics and trustworthiness.
A brainstorm idea, but thought I'd throw it out there. And I didn't even go into my even crazier wish for a completely new OS. (I keep wondering why, with computing being one of the largest industries on Earth, as late as 2024 we're still stuck with just three (3) OS options. There should be three dozen available. But I digress.)
Please 'scuse the textwall, but just wanted to throw these ideas out there.