Collaborative, integrated, encrypted and open source office suite
Use an already existing open source frame (like Cryptpad, OnlyOffice or Collabora Office/LibreOffice Online) to create an integrated and collaborative encrypted office suite.
Make it Open source from the very beginning and allow for the community to actively help the development and improvement of the project. Allow and encourage upstream contribution to the office projects.
(There are already three other ideas about an office suite (1. Cryptpad, 2. Onlyoffice and 3. LibreOffice. Merge the ideas into this one ?)

Arnie commented
How about OpenOffice?
Henry Dyck commented
I was just coming to comment this!!! It would make my decision to switch fully away from Microsoft much easier.
trader mu commented
I've added 3 votes to your post and have my own thread on this here: 3 votes and vote it as critical so we can be heard! I want what you want!