Proton Core session and unified authentication using biometrics
Right now, on desktop, Proton is a bunch of apps with a bunch of ways of accessing them: native apps, bridge apps, browser extensions and web apps. This means that we need to handle a lot of proton sessions for one computer.
This means that if I am on the web in my emails and I want to go to the Pass desktop app, I am most likely gonna need to enter my password.
Then, in terms of security, I can setup the Pass desktop app to require a PIN or a password every time I open the app and after X time of inactivity. But, not on the browser wallet app. So, anybody could take my computer, open my browser and steal all my bitcoins.
I think that the best ways of handling that would be to have a unified way of handling sessions on desktop. Just a menu bar app that have session locking features (biometrics, PIN, password, auto lock, require password and double auth every week, etc.). Then, all apps, extensions, websites could query this app to check if the session is open, closed of locked.
The best example of something like this would be 1Password which uses one session for the app, the cli and the extension. I do admit that the website is not connected, so it might be because it is not possible for websites. But for all others apps, we know it can work.
I would love to open the Proton Mail webapp, scan my finger print, then switch to Proton Drive and that it remembers that I just authenticated. Or, to enter a keyboard shortcut and every Proton app locks.