Need More Products For Ecosystem
Here are Some Services for Proton , i recommend should add
+ Proton Chat : Everyone can chat and talk together with End2End Encryption , add call and call video features . Also , make it own App for Laptop and PC
+ Proton Office : Place store Documents , Sheet , Slide for Business and Work . Can Edit and View Docs With Everyone ( Add Password Feature to make it more secure ) and include who don't have a proton account can view
+ Proton Photo : Instead View Some Videos And Images just from Proton Drive ( Like Google Drive And Google Photo ) for who just want store photos , maybe this product i think can be good maybe ;) , Proton can add or not is Proton's choice
+ Proton Form : Place for Everyone can put thier Information without be watching
+ Proton Family Manager : Parent can easily Watch thier kids doing ( because some family want thier family more privacy but still in control )
+ Proton Search : Everyone can search Webs without Ads or Tracking
+ Proton Anti Virus : Stop and Protect Computer Or Device from Virus or Hacker
+ Proton Pay : Everyone can pay , include who use Paypal or other . Also , Add Debit Card Features

Anonymous commented
Instead of creating more products, focus on improving existing ones.
@Brandon, are you already paying for the premium? The price is already high enough. I wouldn't want to increase the price through products that aren't used. If you start pick and choose of products, the pricing structure will become too complicated.
The Proton Wallet might be an exception, 'cause the buy bitcoin, is an additional source of revenue.
Brandon commented
Full suite would be fantastic, and I'm willing to pay a premium for the privacy aspect but the functionality and usability of the equivalent of Docs, Sheets, Slides, ect.