Manage Passkeys
Please add the possibility to store passkeys as well
Hi everyone!
We're excited to share that you can now save, store and edit passkeys in Proton Pass — available now for everyone on all platforms.
Note: The updated Firefox extension is rolling out and will be available soon.
R commented
Yeah! 100% up
Chuskas commented
Quiero exportar desde 1password, pero las passkeys no se exportan. ¿Alguna solución? Gracias
I want to export from 1password, but the passkeys are not exported. Any solution? Thank you
LE BOITÉ commented
Very nice.
[Deleted User] commented
Chugo Tagliente commented
That is fantastic :)
rolli commented
Passkeys are the only reason I’m still tied to Google/Samsung password manager. If Proton Pass supported passkeys I would swap over asap completely. I already use proton pass but I need this feature for a final swap.
bitN8 commented
great to see this is planned. def needed to keep using the service
Liam Middleton commented
Passkeys are the only reason I’m still tied to iOS password manager. If Proton Pass supported passkeys I would swap over asap completely. I already use proton pass but this is the last peice of the puzzle
Tarmabal commented
Please, add this feature, this is becoming more and more critical as more services adopt passkeys
Viktor commented
So important the only reason why proton Pass isn’t perfect. When this feature comes no for real no competitor can do something better than Proton!!
Menno van Leeuwen commented
This is literally the only show-stopper for me that prevents me from switching fully to Proton Pass.
Althogh the thought of having a software passkey proving my identity on my device frightens me at first, it is still more secure than some sites other offrings in terms of MFA or Paswordless authentication, and i need a place to store them. Kinda a bummer that passkeys became popular right around the time proton pass launched. Was not on my radar when making the switch form bitwarden.
Michael commented
This is so important to counter eavesdropping and move forward in online security. Currently using Keeper on the side for this, would really like to get rid of it in favour of Proton Pass.
R commented
+It is so important.
Danish Putera commented
This is definitely important. Currently using Dashlane as it supports Passkey, but if Proton Pass supports Passkey, definitely would move over to Proton Pass completely.
- commented
Damit bei einem zwar nicht geplanten Unfall oder Krankheit der Zugriff für die Familie ermöglicht wird
sl33pinC4t commented
if you implement this please allow two options :
device bound key (not sync allowed accross devices bu for high security) -> this for example would be recommended for companies
account bound key with a sync between devices based on proton security -
Anonymous commented
With Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe, 1Password, GitHub, eBay, Shopify, PayPal, and many other business and e-commerce sites supporting Passkeys, I think we can dispell with the idea that Passkeys aren’t popular enough yet. With so many major sites adding Passkey support, it’s becoming difficult to use Proton Pass for its intended purpose.
Daiski commented
Many sites have added full support and replacement of passwords with passkeys. Please provide the option to switch from password to passkeys so that we can simplify the login, make it more secure, but continue to provide the "option" to add MFA on top of the Passkey login for those of us who want to have another layer of defense.
Passkeys stored in places like Apple iCloud Keychain can be a security nightmare if the user's phone was stolen. The thieve is able to gain access to passkeys stored in iCloud and gain access. To alleviate this gap, an added MFA and the requirement to "Always" require MFA is vital to close this gap. This is also why it's recommended to store those passkeys separate from Apple, such as in 1Password and ensure protecting 1Password as well.
For more info, please review these 3 links. -
Loud&PROfound commented
It would be super sweet if this app could upgrade the passwords we store in here into a passkey... That way we would be able to say goodbye to passwords, along with hackers; and say hello to simplistic security for every account we have...