Forward alias to more than main account email
You can create multiple alias linked to multiple account but you can only use one "forward to" email.
Why not having a feature to allow adding other email address, for accounts previously created with another emails we can update the login email by using alias but we must have the forward to email not static.
YZc8CZA7 commented
Hi everyone.
I found an answer here: you need to log into your simplelogin account (which is automatically created by proton when you sign up) which proton uses to create aliases. There you can configure more email addresses. You can then select those when creating aliases in Proton.
Anonymous commented
This is a critical one for me! I just set up two separate Proton email accounts (one personal, one business), and I wish I could toggle between the two addresses in Proton Pass. As it is now, I have to sign out of my personal account, then sign back in with my business account, simply to create an alias that will forward to my business account.
Within that, would love the ability to toggle between multiple emails tied to my personal account (e.g., so that I can set up rules allowing everything forwarded to my "shopping" email to automatically go into the "shopping" folder. That will help me keep my inbox clean, which is super important b/c Proton hasn't yet implemented the "categories" feature that Gmail has. Thank you!
Persevere1072 commented
This is one of the features that would convince me to start using Pass.
Eric Karlson commented
I am paying for the Proton Family plan and can have up to 90 email addresses defined. I should be able to configure the alias address in ProtonPass to forward to any of my 90 email addresses, not just my primary one.
snape commented
I want different proton pass aliases to be relayed to different email addresses that i have created not just this will help me manage my online privacy much better. I'll be able to put into required different folders and so on.
nika commented
we should have a choice to buy mail and pass plus only
a user commented
allow users to choose a forwarding address for aliases in proton pass (either among other proton email accounts besides the primary or any account from any email provider).
ThomasJ commented
Change 'Forwarded to' address! Having the main account address as the only option for forwarding is almost asking for trouble!
Even Apple permit additional/chosen forwarders!
Eric Plane commented
Allow us to add multiple emails to our proton pass account and when creating an email alias allow us to choose which email it gets forwarded to.
Shane commented
I agree, I want this feature too. I was disappointed to see I could not change the "Forwards to" on the Proton Pass app.
Steven commented
Yes, it would be wonderful if we can choose a different additional email address that we have created in Proton Mail to be able to choose which email address we want the alias forwarded to in Proton Pass.
Cr0oK commented
Check this ! :-) -
After i add all my email to this service (simplelogin with proton) - all e-mails in "forward column" appear :)
Cr0oK commented
Same here! This is first thing, what i want do do after buy subscription and register proton domains :-(
Joe Sef commented
Completely agree!
I use quite some alias addresses in Proton Mail to sort my emails via rules directly in folders.
The alias email addresses in Proton Pass are great, but if I can only forward them to my main Proton Mail email address, I would completely lose this possibility, when I would use Proton Pass, so its a blocker for me.Would be great, if you could add this feature, as it is already in the UI anyway. Please just make it possible to select one of of the other alias addresses connected to protonmail as well - Thanks!!
TS commented
Pass plus is a password manager subscription. Currently, it allows unlimited aliases, but it is only allowed to forward the emails to the email address of the subscription. This is a severe limitation because with the pass plus subscription you are stuck with a free email account and it is not feasible to forward all emails to an account that has limitations such as 150 messages per day. Also, the size of the inbox can be an issue.
The issues with the Pass plus subscription can be overcome in two ways:
1) Let the Pass plus users change the email that alias is forwarding to whatever email the user wants.
2) Allow users to have simultaneous subscriptions such as pass plus (whether it is the lifetime -75% or regular) and mail plus subscription. It can be seen that proton unlimited is favored as a all-or-nothing subscription, but with these limitations pass plus itself is not a viable option
Peter Outw commented
It woud be great seeing this. Currently th only way to do that is also to have a sub on simplelogin, which shoundn't happen
Chat-mots commented
Definitely needed, and there is a greyed list menu in proton pass. It's confusing we think it's something available, but it is not.
Caio Sclavi commented
This would be fantastic
Anonymous commented
This would be a fantastic update - would for example allow e-mails to be forwarded to a "junk" / "account" e-mail address.
TwoEight commented
For people who have mutiple alias on ProtonMail , i think it could be useful to change the mail for "Forwards to"; an email from our ProtonMail account