Select external email in 'Use my email' shortcut.
When filling out a form, there's the shortcut "Use my email" or "hide my email".
The problem is that i generally use gmail and not
When creating an alias, it forwards to my gmail, i want the option to use my gmail in this shortcut option.
Gravier commented
Currently, when we create a new connection, we have to manually enter our email address, even if it has already been used for other connections.
My suggestion is to integrate an auto-fill feature for email addresses. This way, when you start typing an email address, the system could automatically suggest addresses that have been used in other connections. This would save time and reduce typing errors.
Samuel Davis commented
I'm suffering the same problem. I accidentally signed up with a account the other day, proton didn't offer to save the password and I assumed it was created with my gmail account. As a result I was completely locked out of the site I signed up for.
I couldn't find a way of deleting my email account so this never happens again.