Trigger auto-fill by clicking on login credentials in browser extension window
Coming from Bitwarden I am used to click on the browser extension and then click on one of the stored logins to autofill the form on the current website with it.
This functionality would make a great addition to the proton pass, because:
It covers situations, when the detection of email or passowrd fields is not working correctly (This often fails for me on some websites and then I am unable to autofill the form. It detects fields correctly at first but after loosing focus it does not detect it anymore)
It is more convenient to scroll through the list inside the extension window than in the small autofill popup (When you have a lot of stored login credentials for the same website)
It enables the ability to easily use login credentials that are stored with a different url (Sometimes webservices have different urls where you login with the same credentials. When you are not aware of all of these, you can still search for the credentials in the browser extension and just use them to auto-fill on the current website. Otherwise you would have to edit the login data first and add the new url to be able to use it with auto-fill.)
best regards,
James Flynn commented
This feature is currently incorporated into the mobile app, so it would be great to be able search/select an account result and then manually attempt to "autofill " credentials, and then have it request to add the URL to the selected credential.
There are multiple aspects to this that seem to be added as separate requests, including to use Keyboard Shortcuts, a right-click menu option, etc.
All said, it comes down to matching the Mobile app features for the extension.
Unacceptable Chad Meyers commented
I am coming as a paid LastPass family account holder. This is the only thing that is holding me back from signing up for a Family plan with proton.
I HATE when browser extensions clutter up the UI with icons, pop-ups, and such. I have all these options turned off in the extension, and rarely does Pass add an icon to the inputs. This is great, until I want to fill in a password. The only way I can figure out how to do it is to copy the username, then the password.
In Last Pass, I click the extension icon, then click the password entry and the inputs are filled in. Very quick, very easy, very uncluttered.
Ron Jackson commented
I also would like to have the functionality. Similar to Jacob, I used this in Bitwarden when certain webpage login fields were not compatible with the login form autofill option. Also, not advertising the Proton Pass icon in the login field is good security as well.