Vault sorting options
Option tos ort vault names by alphabetical order. Currently the order is based on when the vault was last added.
Synthesis commented
The behaviour is also inconsistent between the web version and the app. The sorting is persistent once changed in the app and matches what has been manually set across sessions, while it reverts to "Most Recent" every single time when using the web version
David Parks commented
I would also like to see sorting by A-Z and Z-A
[Deleted User] commented
Not only the vaults, but also the entries in the vaults. It's strange that "recent" is the default, and you are not able to change it.
Patrick Stewart commented
I would like the option to manually sort vaults based on personal preference. Id like to put client or shared vaults at the bottom and my "favorites" at the top. Further, the ability to create custom vault groups to function as collapsable (accordion style) vault collections/categories would be awesome; It'd be a great way to organize the left column. For instance, I would like to have a 'personal vaults' and 'client vaults' groups.
The simplest implementation would only require a few data fields: Name, icon, and color. The ability to share entire vault groups would be awesome, too!