Customize special characters and emojis in password generator
There needs to be a way to exclude Special Characters as some sites don’t support the #, ^, % or other certain special characters. There should be a box next to each special character that can be checked or unchecked.
So it might look like
✅ !
✅ @
❌ #
Also some Special Characters are missing from the password generator.
At the moment the special characters that the Password Generator generates is:
@ ! # * $ % ^ &
The missing Special Characters that should be added to the password generator to be able to generate is:
< | ( ) . : ; ” - ‘ [ ] { } + = ~ _ - / ? \
Lastly should also make a way to be able to add emojis to passwords. As Kaspersky Password Manager allows this feature.

Random User commented
mSecure allows you to decide for each entry the pw length and whether to:
- include special characters
- exclude special characters
- only use these characters: <user choice> -
Gary J Fox commented
Some password requirements only allow specific special characters.
It frustrates me when sites limit what special characters you can use, and honestly it tells me they are doing something jankey under the hood, that and imposing a maximum character limit of 18-20 when that should be the minimum these days.
I've started where i can just refusing to do business with companies that do both these together. If it is just one or the other i'll comapin, but both they're likely not prioritizing security -
Mike commented
A space is also a valid character for passwords in several apps that I use whenever I can since it's not expected and would be a lot harder to guess.
Luca commented
That is a good point! But I dont know if I would use emojis, but its a nice extra. I would also love to be able to create a 100 long character password. At the moment it's only possible to create a 64 long character password. :(
For example: 1 Password has this feature. -
Marco commented
This would be very helpful
danieldddddd commented
And a cloud sync of these password preferences, e.g. if 99% of the community say "can't have a * character" then fetch and set this preference by default for everyone else. Like how Waze handles roadworks: if enough people say it's present then it's present.
Osiel commented
Agree; this feature would significantly improve the usability of Proton Pass on websites that have restrictive password requirements.
Alexandre commented
Who uses emoji in passwords? Come on, be serious. It's not a priority.
UserVoice9 commented
This is super important, running into this issue quite a bit.
Vivek R. commented
Agree; this feature would significantly improve the usability of Proton Pass on websites that have restrictive password requirements.
Ádám Juhász commented
For example, Lufthansa requires you to use a special character, but only accepts these characters: !"$%&'()*+,-/:;#<>?_@\
[Deleted User] commented
Sites that put limits on the type or number of specials should be fined. The "guess which special we want!" game is tiring and reduces the security of the password. Customizing the generator would be gold - please do this!
- commented
Two special character toggles should suffice. One for the standard !@#$%^&*, and one that includes all the others such as {}:"<>?[];',./.
MF commented
It would be very beneficial if the password generator had additional customization options such as the ability to set a minimum number of special characters, numbers, or letters that will be included in the username. Additionally, having the ability to select capitalized vs uncapitalized letters and to select which special characters are included in the password. An example of the implementation for this would be a checkbox next to "Uppercase", "Lowercase", "+", "#", "@", etc...
[Deleted User] commented
These are the specials characters that the password generator generates:
@ ! # * $ % ^ &
Here are the missing special characters that are missing from the password generator:
< | ( ) . , : ; ” - ‘ [ ] { } + = ~ _ - / ? \
Anonymous commented
Yeah, even better if the app can reference some list where it knows what is expected and can tailor the pwd to the requirements of that site.
Quinn commented
Agreeing with this sentiment - there are no standards for what defines a "special character", so each website or service uses a completely different set. I'm running into a similar issue to Gordon where an online service is refusing generated passwords because it includes special characters outside their character set. It's incredibly frustrating to figure out because the generated password passes all of their requirements but will not allow me to save the password until I only use "approved" characters.
Gordon Tyler commented
This is very important. I just had a massive issue with my electricity utility's online account system related to this. I had to reset my password and their new password entry field silently dropped unacceptable special characters. The result was that the password entered by ProtonPass into the password field did not match what was also copied to the clipboard. I didn't notice this at first. When I went to login, it didn't accept the password stored in ProtonPass because it still included the special characters which had been dropped by the new password form. Once I realized what the problem was, I had a devil of a time generating a new password that would be accepted because I could not customize which special characters would be used by ProtonPass when generating a new password.
FFI commented
A box next to each character is a bit complex, why not have a toggle for emojis in the same list as numbers and characters, add a field for characters you want to exclude?