Deletion of Aliases in SimpleLogin Doesn't Work Properly
I use the Catch-All option to receive emails without creating aliases in advance (I also did this when using my own domain and free domain email on another service, and the issue described below did not occur).
For example, I register on 10 services using different aliases. Now, I have a list of these 10 aliases. What can I do with this list?
Nothing—just keep using the necessary aliases.
Delete unnecessary aliases.
Disable unnecessary aliases (they remain in the list but won’t receive emails until re-enabled).
And here lies a huge problem:
If I delete an alias, it automatically gets recreated via Catch-All when an email is received.
A simple example:
I register on various services, and they automatically subscribe me to newsletters. Over a year, I registered about 50 accounts and deleted many aliases throughout the year since I didn’t need a long list of unused ones. However, during Christmas, my inbox was flooded with thousands of spam emails—raffle offers, fake iPhone giveaways, etc.
What is working incorrectly and how it should be:
If I simply delete an alias, it makes sense that when an email is received, the alias is recreated, and I get the message. This is expected behavior.
If I disable an alias and then re-enable it, emails either stop or resume. This is logical and keeps the alias in the list for future use.
What should I do if I want to delete an alias and never receive emails for it again?
The logical solution: disable it first, then delete it—indicating that I neither want to see it in the list nor receive any future emails.
Essentially, this would act as a blacklist mechanism.
Currently, doing this is no different from just deleting the alias, meaning I still receive emails on it.
Adding a trash bin feature could also help with this issue.