Proton Pass
1470 results found
Auto-lock when browser closes
add the option to autolock with pin code when the browser is closed
44 votes -
Vault Groups
Add the ability to organize vaults into groups or collections as a means to organize the far left 'vaults' column. These could then be displayed as accordion style, collapsable headers. These groups would be user position-able (click and drag) with default position in order of creation.
Implimentation (what I picture):
In its simplest form, this could consist of four DB fields: Category/group name, Icon, and color, and associated vault ID's contained in the group. The '+' at the top of the vaults list would add a new intermediate dialog (instead of opening current vault creation dialog/view as it does…9 votes -
Keep your ProtonPass extension logged in even when you’re not logged in on the web
Keep your ProtonPass extension logged in even when you’re not logged in on the web
4 votes -
Add pictures within notes
I would like to add some pictures inside my notes in proton pass.
1 vote -
Add Drag and Drop Copying Between Vaults of Records and Merging of Vaults
It would be helpful to be able to Drag a record from one vault to another to copy a record. Right now all I can see is to move a record.
It would also be helpful to be able to merge vaults.
Re: Add Drag and Drop Copying Between Vaults of Records and Merging of Vaults
It would also be helpful to be able to sort a vault's records by date and name and select records using the shift key for groups and the Apple Command key for selecting individual records that are not is a contiguous group.
1 vote -
Ability to setup prefix in the generated password.
Please include the feature to setup prefix in the generated password at the individual vault level.
For example, if my Vault name is "Demo" then I should be able to create logins inside the vault with "Demo" as prefix with every generated password (Demo............). The ability to setup prefix should be at Vault level so that I can setup separate prefix for separate vaults.
1 vote -
Sort weak Passwords by last used
Pass Monitor should sort vulnerable passwords by last used, that way you can prioritise changing your most frequent/important passwords first.
7 votes -
Delete History
Since we now got Item History, i would like to get an option to delete a history of a login. As well add the option to "track" certain items in a loogin. E.g. i change my TOTP Key so no one can use it unless he know what i did, but the history reveals it. Same as deleting the TOTP key, it doesnt matter since Proton Pass just remembers it. Other manager just keep track of the passwords but not a complete copy of that login....
6 votes -
Creating multiple passwords under one item and to be able rename the addtional items
In 1password, you can add multiple lines to one item e.g. 5 passwords and then rename the password title as an email address or backup codes - it would be good to have that feature as I have a few items like that
1 vote -
Customize the Type of Card
I like to use a password manager to store card info for all types of cards, e.g. library cards, rewards cards, identity cards, etc. It would be nice if we could create custom fields (like the "Add more > Text/Hidden" that is available for Login-type entries). Currently, I have to use the "Note" section to store all the card info that doesn't match up with credit card fields.
2 votes -
Add "Copy TOTP" to Android list view overflow menu
Username/password copying already exists on the overflow (3 dots) menu. Copy TOTP should be added.
1 vote -
Be able to set passphrase as "default" for new passwords
I prefer memorable passwords, and whenever I generate a new password I have to select "memorable password" rather than being able to set it as default.
1 vote -
Edit before save a login entry
Hi there!
I would like to be able to edit a login before it is saved for the first time.1 vote -
Save and Suggest Coupons in Proton Pass
Title: As a user, I want to save website-specific coupons in Proton Pass so that I can easily access and apply them during checkout.
Users often receive promotional coupons or discount codes for specific websites but may forget about them when it’s time to shop. To address this, Proton Pass should offer the ability to store coupons in a way similar to notes but linked to a specific website. Users should be able to set an optional expiry date for each coupon. When the user visits the checkout page of the associated website and clicks on the “Coupon” or…1 vote -
Unlock the mobile app with your second password
I massively appreciate having the option of requiring separate second password from your main password to access Proton Pass. I noticed the mobile app (or at least the Android app) can only be locked with biometrics or a PIN-code. I would love an option to lock it with your second password, or a separate text password you set. I feel that would be more secure than a PIN and would line the app up with how I use Proton Pass on desktop, while still being a lot more convenient than having to log out everytime and using two passwords to…
3 votes -
launch a webpage login by clicking on a login entry.
Select a login entry in proton pass and have an option (one click on launch button?) to launch the URL in default browser and login by autofill username/password.
3 votes -
2 votes
Integrate the use of other email masks providers
Proton Pass currently only lets you use Simplelogin for email masking
but Bitwarden allows the use of many providers (, DuckDuckGo, Fastmail, Firefox Relay, Forward Email, Simplelogin)Personally, although I have a Proton Unlimited subscription, my everyday mail provider is Fastmail and as such, I use their email masking feature.
They provide an API so it can be easily integrated to Proton Pass.I'd really love to see this integrated
4 votes -
Suggestion for Categorized Tabs in Proton Pass in the main menu
I propose adding categorized tabs at the top of the Proton Pass interface, similar to Dashlane’s design. Tabs like “All Items,” “Logins,” “Secure Notes,” and “Payments” would make it easier to filter and access specific types of saved information. For instance, clicking a “Payments” tab would instantly display only credit card or payment-related entries. While I understand that this functionality is already available through the search feature, having these categories directly accessible from the main menu upon opening the app would greatly improve ease of use and navigation.
1 vote -
9 votes
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