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Proton Pass

1406 results found

  1. 1 vote
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  2. Link to articles or provide more information on data breaches

    When looking at reported data breaches, I've had to search for information on what the breached company is and if they have a website where I can request my information be removed or change my password. Adding a simple field to the data breach item to link to the website and/or show a summary of the reporting on the incident would be very handy and hopefully not hard to implement.

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  3. Dynamic page/window dividers please

    Can we please have dynamic page/window dividers?
    At least the Mac version has a lot of empty space on the left side panel. window is divided in 3. the left and middle panel should be adjustable.

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  4. Import folders to Proton Pass folders or separate vaults

    I use Keepass and it has folders. When I import from it, it imports all Keepass folder into one vault. Either import each folder into a separate vault or let me choose which Keepass folder to use.

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  5. Allow Inbox Filtering of messages from different Alias's/Identities we have created

    Let's say your main email address you use is

    Now lets say you just created, to use for purely FINANCIAL matters (could be anything, bills, family, whatever). But whatever gets sent to this email address you know is going to be financially related because you used it for the setup of that financial account.

    What I am proposing is that Proton mail allow us to switch between these different alias's we have created, to FILTER all the message in our inbox, ONLY SHOWING what messages have been sent to that specific Alias in our inbox.

    Currently, my…

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  6. Treat note as basic type

    Right now notes are treated as something completely separate, but it could be better from architectural perspective, if they were the basic type (or class in developers' language) with ability to add custom fields (as we can to logins at least), and then all other entities would expand it with custom pre-defined fields (possibly non-removable). This would simplify adding new types of entities down the line, and allow users to simply create their own "types" (maybe even actually save them as types in the app even) by simply adding required fields to a note. This can potentially allow conversion from…

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  7. hotkey to insert password automatically

    The idea is that a key combination (say CTRL + SHIFT + L) would automatically insert the most likely or only password from proton pass into the websites fields. This would make proton pass much faster to use.

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  8. Local First or Cacheable Passwords in Secure Manner

    1Password takes a local first approach, which makes it usable when one has not internet connection.

    It is currently very tedious to use Proton Pass in infrastructure dev environments because it requires constant internet access.

    Make Proton Pass local first please, or give us an option to securely cash our passwords in a local vault.

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  9. Restricted Regions

    Add a Region Access feature similar to what many banks use. This would allow users to restrict account access to specific regions or allow only specific countries, adding an extra layer of security to Proton Pass account against unauthorized logins from unfamiliar locations.

    This could be especially useful in protecting against cybercriminals attempting to access accounts from other regions.

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  10. Email Visibility in Proton Pass Interface

    I’ve noticed that the login email for Proton Pass is always visible in the bottom-left corner of the app, with no option to hide it. Since this email addresse is very sensitive, having it openly displayed can be a privacy concern, especially in public.

    Could you consider adding an option to hide or obscure this email?

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  11. Identity filter

    Find all records associated with an identity. F.x all records that use a certain phone number, email, address.

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  12. Automatically fill in the passkey

    When the browser requests a passkey input, the Proton Pass browser extension opens a pop-up, and the user has to click on the icon in the pop-up to fill in the passkey.

    It would be much faster and smoother if the passkey is filled automatically and the user does not have to click another time.

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  13. option to save pin code

    Need a pin code option instead of passwords for few apps/websites ...... Why? because password monitor flags it as weak password while it is a good numerical pin code

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  14. Associate login and alias so they appear as one entry in list

    When I sign up to a website I create an alias and create a login entry for that alias. They both then appear next to each other in the vault list. It would improve usability if you could hold down on two or more items in the vault list and Associate them so that they appear under the same heading.

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  15. Proton Pass 2FA Authentication App Integration

    There have been numerous amazing changes and additions to the Proton suite. It has been enjoyable to observe and experience the growth of Proton services alongside the community. Proton Pass is a perfect addition to the suite, providing a reliable option for password management and security. I would love to see the option for two-factor authentication (2FA) integrated within Proton Pass. Using a separate authenticator, such as Microsoft's Authenticator in my case, adds another app and account that "crowds" my phone. I believe that adding this feature would significantly enhance the quality of life!

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  16. Hide/minimise navigation bar

    Ability to hide/minimise navigation bar on the Proton Pass website, the same way you can do it in Proton Mail.

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  17. Import passwords from other Password Managers

    Can we import passwords from UPM, eWallet and pCloud please? Thanks

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  18. Small UX improvements

    These changes are small (from user perspective)

    1. Icon of the website when an entry is added. Currently the Icon shown is favicon of the website within white background, here the the white background takes away significant space. Instead only the favicon of the website should be shown, which makes the actual icon seem larger.

    2. The default title created when a new entry is added after registering on the website is the full domain name (including subdomains), instead should just be title, making it easier to read. The website/domain details already exist in the "websites" sections.
      Ex: Cloudflare instead of

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  19. Add passkey indicator icons on the autofill area

    Hope they add passkey indicator so we wont get confuse which one to select. Because after selecting the passkey for non passkey website the passwords wont show up anymore and had to restart the whole app or browser.

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  20. Import History


    I have just imported my passwords from Chrome, but am hesitant to delete them from Chrome as I cannot verify that they have all been imported correctly and completely... (except by searching for each one individually and seeing that it is there, under Today!)

    I would therefore like a way to only view Recently Imported data so that I can quickly cross check them. And maybe also have a History of Imports, showing a summery of each import such as how many passwords/notes etc. and from which service they came, i.e. Chrome, Lastpass, MoxierWallet etc. Clicking on the entry…

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