Share passwords with a link and optional expiry
Share a password with someone who doesn't have Proton Pass and auto expire and delete the "shared" link in X days.

Now, you can share a single password with Secure Link Sharing in #ProtonPass, even if the recipient doesn't have a Proton account.
Included on all Proton Pass paid plans, this feature is rolling out progressively to all users on paid plans, starting first with Lifetime, Visionary, and Unlimited users.
nichu42 commented
Sorry, @admin, but this is not completed.
The OP asked for optional expiry, and you have implemented mandatory expiry. -
John Nguyen commented
Keeper. They share passwords with QR code scans. And [it's] expired. Very cool.
Ben Porter commented
Bitwarden has this and it's great!
John Nguyen commented
I would like to share the password using a QR code.
Thomas Holz commented
PAssword Link ?
nagut aber bitte beachten:
Wenn ein Passwort teilbar ist besteht die möglichkeit dies auch ausversehen zu teilen, dahingehend bitte diese Funktion Primär ausschaltend machen, wer dies haben will muss dies im Accopunt global für den Proton pass freischalten und dann muss beim teilen der 2fa oder der hardwarekey oder das accountpasswort abgefragt werden da dies hier auch ein einfallstor darstellt wenn man es "versehentlich" gemacht hat, quasi die letzte möglichkeit sich zu fragen ups... wieso will der denn jetzt den 2fa oder den authentifizierungs hardware key sehn.... .
man könnte beispielsweise einen zweiten hardwarekey dem Realen menschen geben und die Proton pass passwörter diesem Speziellen key zuordnen oder einen zweiten hardwarekey zuweisen so das dieser auch von dritten zugänglich währe so kann das kind seinen key haben aber von den eltern beispielsweise nicht die bank abräumen;)
Natürlich hat der Hardware key (yubikey) keine accountweiten änderungsberechtigungen dafür wähe dann eben der Hauptkey zuständig.incl einer zusätzlichen 2fa über authentikator etc..... . -
v commented
This is the only thing keeping me from switching to a proton pass
Andrew commented
AND, if they do have Proton Pass, allow sharing WITHOUT having to put it into a separate "shared" vault. Why can't I share just one or two passwords with my partner, without having to create a separate vault (folder)
ZW commented
How would the recipient ... authenticate to ... and decrypt the message coming from ... the other end of the link that contains the password that you only want the recipient to be able to read?
Bojan commented
+3 to this
I would finally switch off 1Pass -
Luk commented
Great that you guys planned this because you practically have already done this with proton drive link sharing!
Kri commented
Disappointed with proton pass sharing capability
Proton Pass should allow sharing with magic links without providing email ids.
The sharing feature is close to useless if a person does not have proton account.
Proton should consider enhancing the sharing feature and allow sharing credentials just by a magic link and not prohibit users without proton ids.
The easier it is for wider customers to access a proton's base, more the number of people are going to join proton just for the ease of use.
Luk commented
This password sharing with link feature is a game-changer for me and everyone else I know. If you guys make this happen, I'm definitely leaving 1Password. It's not just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have for all of us. Sharing passwords with links is the missing piece that would make your product perfect. I can guarantee that once you add this, you'll have a whole bunch of us fully on board and loving your tool!
LT commented
Like Keeper and 1Password it would be very nice to have this ability to share a li k for password with a party without requiring them to sign up for proton pass. Keeper does this very well you share a link with configurable expiry date and can revoke access at anytime.
Anonymous 1 commented
Like Bitwarden Send.