When searching through your mail, only exact matches for terms are returned. This is unhelpful when you know the topic of an email but cannot remember the exact terms used.
For example I recently use the term "democratic review" when what I should have entered was "democracy review".
It would save time and be more useful if the search function could also act to search for related similar terms.
Perhaps allowing to search using boolean operators would also be advantageous, as then I could manually decide to search for ("democra* review") which would return any results where the first word started with 'democra' and the second word was 'review'.
When searching through your mail, only exact matches for terms are returned. This is unhelpful when you know the topic of an email but cannot remember the exact terms used.
For example I recently use the term "democratic review" when what I should have entered was "democracy review".
It would save time and be more useful if the search function could also act to search for related similar terms.
Perhaps allowing to search using boolean operators would also be advantageous, as then I could manually decide to search for ("democra* review") which would return any results where the first word started with 'democra' and the second word was 'review'.