Sync contacts, calendars, and notes with native mobile apps
To sync with your cell phone and email - iphone calendar, contacts, and notes.

ProtonMail offers encrypted contacts for both web and mobile applications ( Calendar and note functionality will be released in the future.
Robert Guthrie commented
I was about to upgrade (and pay for it), until I saw no Calendar.
You're hurting yourself by not offering a more comprehensive "office suite," to include Calendar, To-Do List, in addition to Contacts.
I'm looking for an alternative to USA-based Big Tech. MAGA (Microsoft/Apple/Google/Amazon) is not only invasive, they surveille and censor. Proton could become the platform of choice for concerned US citizens. Offer social media to compete with Twitter and you will profit greatly. -
Jonathan commented
I would like a secure Notes app similar to Google Keep.
Adrian commented
Will the new calender have the option to colour code events as seen in google calender?
Anonymous commented
Will the new Calendar and contact information be able to integrate with MS Outlook?
Anonymous commented
My real interest here are notes, I currently use other online note applications however, I know enough to know that they are not securely stored, it would be really nice to have feature parity with something like onenote or evernote in a secure private platform.
Anonymous commented
If I dont have Calendar on my phone, then ProtonMail is of no use. This is the single reason I'm paying for the pro. And it does not have it
Anonymous commented
I would like to see a mobile calendar app (preferably for Android). Is there a planned release date?
Anonymous commented
Yes! This feature is missing. And people are requesting it for near 3 years... What is taking so long?
Anonymous commented
Is there a scheduled date for inclusion of the calendar in the mobile app?
Anonymous commented
I'm really missing the calendar on mobile! Any update on when we can expect this?
John commented
As other users have noted, calendar invites are essential for businesses to be able to use ProtonMail. I know ProtonMail has a lot in the works right now, but this one feature can lead to a much wider adoption of the platform. My small business explored the use of PM a few months ago, but the idea was shot down once it was discovered that the calendar had no way of inviting others to scheduled meetings both within and outside our organization. Again, this feature is critical and should be prioritized.
Petya commented
When would the calendar invite feature be implemented?
It's a MUST feature for businesses and looking at the comments also other users are requesting it.
The first time I've requested it as a Plus user was around two years ago.
Thank you! -
Winston Smith commented
It would be great if the calendar could be shared and if event invites could be sent from the calendar. In it's current form, I don't see how it would be useful for groups.
Maybe I'm missing something?
Thanks! -
Goussu Mgoussu commented
Is calendar still to be released ? Id' switch to proton if I could manage my mail, contacts and agenda. I have a date-non-compliant brain, I need an agenda with my mail, or I'll get fired in a month for missing so many appointments. Thank you !
anonym commented
P.S. Complement: It would be cool with al least ONE E-Mail-Notification a day, listing all calender-events.
anonym commented
please build email alerts for calendar events. Plus : Please build an android app for Calender/Betaversion... THANKS this would be so nice.
Anonymous commented
The following functionality would be appreciated:
Syncing contacts, not just importing, between other account cloud service. E.g. /e/ OS based on Android Lineage.
Syncing features should include conflict detection where the same contact has been changed on both side, as well as syncing one way, mainly from the cloud service to ProtonMail or both ways.
Maybe even choosing the fields to synchronise. -
Cole Weller commented
This is exactly what I came here to request, I would love a secure note taking service from Proton.
Me commented
please build email alerts for calendar events
MusicMan commented
Plus user email/vpn.
Enjoying this trip with you, but in the years as a free and paid user I feel little/no progress in migrating from other services.
> Contacts and Calendar: Without the ability to sync/real-time interact with 3rd part services, I can use PM for only email. I repeatedly delete all contacts then upload new list and calendar looks akin to a model car.
> Email signatures: ability to select from multiple signatures for outgoing and forwarding is immensly needed
> The list of upcoming features is exciting, but releasing a features that are incomplete or don't contain primary facets makes little difference to me. I understand the concept of a beta, but the contacts and calendar releases are not usable in a real daily setting ans few have the time to play.I'm a big supporter and will continue to be (including price increases/ periodic $$ drives to accelerate the development release plan) - until when(?) still need to use Apple calendar, Contacts+, (with Thunderbird), pCloud, 2Do, and Drafts.