Block sender
It would be great to be able to block certain email addresses from being able to send you emails. Not just a filter to go to “spam” but being able to actually block the sender totally

Trey commented
My current workflow involves marking all emails I don't actively need in the future as spam so I can scroll through and bulk delete them, keeping my storage requirements low. The automatic marking of these messages as blocked breaks that, so I'd like to be able to toggle it at will
70srock commented
Protonmail please add blocked emails feature so it permanently blocks email address.
Dave commented
When Fastmail first came out they had the option to click "Bounce" on any email. It would be returned to the sender as if the address did not exist. Very handy for spammers. No list was kept, and if the spammer persisted, you just had to continue bouncing their messages.
Annie D Stratton commented
I don't want blocked addresses to go to my spam folder. I want them blocked, period. Other email programs allow this to be done directly from inbox. Why can't Proton mail? The post above, "Add option to reject emails based on sender" describes the needed action perfectly. (I was unable to vote for it- none of the buttons on this page are currently working.
I got Proton for the security and reliability. I don't need bells and whistles. . But I am surprised that its basic functionality is so limited, and that basic tasks are unnecessarily complicated.
And this particular simple complaint is already at least seven years old!
Dav commented
What you, @ProtonMail Team, propose is not the same as what is requested.
As soon as I see the email in my Inbox, I would like a simple click to "mark" it: (A) send sender's email address to a "Permanently Blocked" list (and automatically set up the necessary filter to do it), or (B) send sender's address to a "Blocked-but-Visible" list (also setting up the filter needed).
To that I would add a (U) option for allow (B)-marked senders to be Unblocked (automatically deleting the filters as necessary).
(I also +1 Paul Davis's suggestion to send an "Undeliverable" message to sender.)
The value of what's requested is to reduce the filtering of a bad actor's communications to simple clicks instead of imposing time-consuming setups of custom filters (and refreshing one's memory regarding how...).
Incidentally, as what is requested amounts to auto-setting-up those filters, those filters can also be removed manually at any time, even (A) filters. (At login, filters in effect would be checked first to properly display (B) (and not display (A)) emails.)
Baruch Ben-Melech commented
I get approximately 50 to 60 emails per day on another server. I don't have time to sit down at night jump through a bunch of hoops and jumps in order to block crap that I didn't ask for and don't want. I consider it a raping of my time. At present on two other email accounts, I have 8,923 emails and 9,473 on another.
Chris commented
They already have this. It's called the spam folder and filter...
Anonymous commented
I too am looking to avoid the emails from a particular sender, but I see them as the notification for the spam folder increases. Currently, the "block" functionality sends emails to spam.
I wish to be fully(!) ignorant. Help me with ProtonMail, you're my only hope.
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to block certain unwanted senders permanently - I constantly get one from an unwanted source and although it gets into the Spam folder I would like the opportunity to save having to go in there and delete it on a regulator basis. This one comes as a result of a sender ignoring my request to BCC when sending to many.
Donna Maso commented
Block incoming e-mails; filter to automatically delete
Matt commented
Have an option to block a sender like gmail doe
Lauren commented
I just realized this wasn't a feature offered, as an abusive family member I'd cut off contact with years ago found my email through another contact. If I have to be triggered by being forced to still delete their messages out of trash or spam, I'll have to delete my account entirely. What a huge oversight in programming.
Craig Dennis commented
The ability to block domains from spam factories is a must these days. You have to create hundreds of filters to block the same people. A simple addition to block the entire domain would make life much easier.
Paul Davis commented
I would like to add my vote for option (A) to block the message as well as send an "Undeliverable" message to the sender.
Frank commented
Having filters for ungoing spam is just a bandaid and still requires action from the receiver. The option many here have been asking for years is to just bounce back spam completely. I don't want to see the email in my spam folder and neither do I want to recieve it. Fiddling with sieve and programming code is for nerds who have the time to do so. I am a paying customer of Protonmail and a simple feature to bounce unwanted email is mandatory these days!
Cassie commented
I as of lately am constantly receiving unwanted emails, where "marking as spam" or adding it to a "block list" does not make it stop! i have heard of other people creating a workaround just to simply block someone who won't stop harassing me. but you have to be a "teckie" to figure out how to use these complicated steps just to do a simple task! Please consider this, proton!
Francesco commented
Dear Mr. re
I liked your service a lot, but I have 2 requests to improve the service, I repeat I like it a lot,
1- add the possibility to block some email addresses from which I receive advertising emails. Now there is only the possibility to report phising, but not to block advertising emails. Please do so.
2- I want more colourful graphics, with larger fonts, intuitive icon-based graphics.
Please provide.
Thank you very much from Francesco Zaccaro
Bob commented
ProtonMail. Overrated.
Lee commented
I agree and would like more control over spam. The amount I get is minimal but its annoying when it slips through the spam filters. I would like to contribute to the overall spam filters by being able to create a black list based on:
Senders Address, Senders Domain, Unsubscribe domains, specific words or phrases. -
Peter Mican commented
I love ProtonMail and would like to BLOCK some senders permanently, NOT sending them to spam.
I just don´t like to see them at all, they are always the same and very annoying...
Please let us BLOCK senders.
I am using the BETA version and would like to see the folders colorized to better organize them.
Also don´t like the automatic filling of "To" and the "Subject" files with my e-mail address, please sort that out ;-)
Thanks and keep improving your great service ;-)
Have a great day