Implement DANE for added security and privacy
DANE (DNSSEC) would be hugely beneficial to the security and privacy of ProtonMail. DANE makes Man-in-the-Middle attacks practically impossible.
This is a necessary addition and should certainly be prioritized over-all, as it is at the core of what ProtonMail represents: privacy and security.
It's currently a feature available over at Tutanota ( and definitely sets it apart as an arguably more secure option, here's a great read on the topic:

John Connett commented
A publicly visible DNS service with encrypted access, DNSSEC and DANE would be very useful. Using ProtonMail name servers rather than the default ones provided by my domain provider would close a potential security hole.
Nathan Lecompte commented
Awesome! Seems like DANE is already up and running:
Can't wait for version 4.0 - props to the ProtonMail team for valuing community input!
Anonymous commented
Yes! This is exactly what is needed next.
AdminProton (Admin, Proton) commented
HI! Thanks for the suggestion. It will happen after our domain/DNS code refactor.
Nathan Lecompte commented
@Wil they do have DNSSEC setup but they do NOT seem to be using DANE. This tool gives a neat overview of the supported security standards by their mail server(s) at the present time:
Wil commented
Someone should update the status of this, looks to me like they're running DNSSEC currently.
[Deleted User] commented
Small update: seems to have added **** support as well.
Jeremy commented
Yeah, it's long overdue that Protonmail implements DANE. As you said Tutanota offer's it and so does Posteo. Both have had it for about 4 years now. More email providers need to get to work and add this, especially if your one that care's anything about secure email.
[Deleted User] commented
I absolutely agree, it'd definitely add to the security aspect of ProtonMail. It's not too big of an ask either compare to some of the other feature requests on here :P
amilopowers commented
I've seen that and use DANE (DNSSEC) to secure their e-mail Services.
I think protonmail could be even more secure with DANE. You can read about it here: