Plain text
Send Plain Text E-mail
'll be ability in future to send email in plain text as an option.Some mailing lists require plain text so this would be very usefull.
You can now select to send plain text messages on ProtonMail:
Someone commented
This is not completed as The Proton team try to make us believe.
Set it to plain text as default, and answer any html email, it will not follow the default but use html.
It is sad to see that they do half job of implementation when the community is already doing the job of feature research for them.
Stéphane commented
Allow in email composer to right click and have the option to "past as plain text" (as in google and other services).
Anonymous commented
how the heck can I simply send an e-mail and why is this not a easy thing to do
Anonymous commented
Plain text for received messages, is a protection
please provide it. -
Anonymous commented
How about displaying all incoming mail in plain text?
[Deleted User] commented
I would like to view my mail in plain-text, not HTML. Is this possible?
Anonymous commented
Additionally: display all emails default text-only, and manually switch to HTML only as needed.
Pete commented
Please provide an option in Settings to set Plain Text to be the preselected message format to use when composing new messages.
bjr commented
Yes, yes, yes!
I've been waiting close on 2 years for these guys to pull their finger out on this one.
They said they hoped to have it in place about 18 months ago - still waiting.
Beats me why they even launched a "secure" service without plain text.
I've just about given up on these guys.
Anonymous commented
The ability to make this a default, i.e. a setting that sticks and affects all newly composed email, would be really nice. I often forget to flip the toggle, which defaults to HTML email.
Anonymous commented
Thanks you a lot.If you can in future make font more visible at plain text option.
Anonymous commented
I can't believe this isn't a feature.
Jim commented
I've also been waiting over a year for this and am very disappointed it's still not been implemented. Obviously the developers have their own priority list and their time is limited, but ProtonMail is focussed on privacy and the lack of plain text makes the service useless, as the formatting breaks GPG encryption on some clients. "About ProtonMail" talks of "protecting civil liberties online" and "the tools necessary to protect your data online", but you can't even attempt this without client-side strong encryption using FOSS.
I could understand a lack of plain text on some mass market-focussed app, but certainly not on a service that aims at private communications.
damocles commented
Some mailing lists just deny all html mail..... :-(
bjr commented
I have come to the conclusion that plain text will never arrive. I enquired about it early 2016 and was told it would arrive late summer. It is now summer 2017, 1 year after the supposed arrival date. I don't know what these guys are doing, but plain text is obviously not on their to-do list. Best thing to do is just give up on Proton Mail - you can only wait and hope for so long before acknowledging that it's best to throw in the towel and move on elsewhere.
ole commented
Yes Why we don't see Plain text as option in Mail .?
Mek commented
What's happening with this?
bjr commented
So, it was started in July 2016, but still not here - what are you guys doing? When I enquired last year, I was told that it should arrive by late summer. It is now summer 2017, and Proton is remains unusable because it still doesn't have plain text, which should be the DEFAULT setting. How can you ask users for money without this most basic functionality.
abc commented
The ability to send plain text emails is vital. There are hundreds of votes for this feature when you look at all the duplicate requests like:
PLEASE allow folks to send true plain text email: it solves so many problems. -
Anonymous commented
It would be great to read mail in raw text. Delete all the tags and wrap the content of the mail in <pre> tag.