Schedule Emails
I have another email service that allows users to schedule draft emails to be sent at a specified date/time in the future. Once the draft is complete, the email is automatically sent at the future specified date/time, unless that draft email is deleted/replaced prior to the send date/time. The draft email can either reside in an existing "draft" folder or a separate "outbox" folder (as distinguished from "draft" that does not have a scheduled send date/time).
Different Emphasis from Similar Postings:
I noticed a number of other similar postings, however, I wanted to provide this new posting to possibly emphasize something more than what I saw emphasized in other similar postings: closely related general delivery options. I would suggest ProtonMail allow every draft email to have a drop down menu that provides the option for selecting "Delivery Timing" using a calendar display for selection of a date and a time field to select/enter a corresponding time on that selected date (time should be clearly set for a selected time zone, e.g., CST or GMT, to reduce possibilities for confusion on timing). Again, whenever "Delivery Timing" options are selected, the draft email can then reside either in the existing "draft" folder or in a newly appearing "Outbox" for any pending emails to be sent at a future date/time. The other email service I use provides a range of closely related general delivery options to also include:
-- "Message Priority" (Low, ******, High);
-- "Private" (to help prevent email forwarding, if clients support that);
-- "Return Receipt" and
-- "Delivery Timing" (previously addressed)
I recommend ProtonMail make these general delivery option menus accessible via one additional icon next to the existing row of icons on draft emails for "Attachments," "Encryption" and "Encryption time." The icon could be a clock next to a letter (just a suggestion), since "Encryption time" already uses a clock icon.
I don't believe other similar postings emphasize these closely associated general delivery Options. I have previously given this other email provider feedback on perfecting their services in other areas (with different providers having different strengths/weaknesses), but this is one particular feature they have had for a very long time that I believe provides an excellent example to follow.

Anonymous commented
Yes, please add a schedule feature.
As ProtonMail is highly secure, it means that people with a need for security are using this service.
Need for security means:
In case I get killed/kidnapped/etc. I want to automatically release an email to several people.
The most reasonable way of doing this is to have an email sent automatically after a certain period of time unless I (the user) resets the timer (days). -
Anonymous commented
Redundant Topic :
Better keep it under 1 topic as an organized suggestion.
Anonymous commented
As a random person from the field of CS, I can surely tell that having this feature as planned for ~2 years and not even moving it in your active backlog as "started" is not reasonable. If you are not planning to do it for the next 2 years, you shouldn't be marking it as planned.
Please update us in terms of this feature and share the knowledge.
Thank You,
Anonymous commented
I have also thought about this over the years. So many aspects that would make future sent e-mails great.
Louisa Sitala commented
Yes, please! It is all part of being organized. Thank you for all that you've done, are doing and will do! :) YOU'RE AWESOME!!!
Sami commented
Do we know when this is planned for?
Anonymous commented
Please, please
Erik Kolb commented
There ist a service for Gmail called "Boomerang", which allows different options to send E-Mails later. A similar solution built into Protonmail would provide great benefits and make the email service stand out from others even more.
Winsen commented
yes please!
Anonymous commented
I agree with this and would love to see the feature implemented.
Gerard commented
Hello team Protonmail,
Just wondering if it would be possible to schedule e-mails and have them send on the scheduled time & date?
Anonymous commented
yes please
JMP commented
I would like to see a Delayed Email Delivery function added. One that could be scheduled to repeat at selected times/days/weeks, similar to what Boomerang offers.
Martin Newton-Hughes commented
Yes please
Anonymous commented
As much as I detest Outlook, it did have an extraordinarily convenient featured called (I believe), "Send Later," which, when pressed instead of the default "Send" button within a message, would allow you to schedule delivery of your message for a future date and time.
I realize that this idea may seem to duplicate other ideas previously submitted, but the one that most resembled this idea said explicitly, "I think this is a [sic] easy feature to integrate."
Never tell a developer you think a feature is easy to integrate, when asking to have that feature integrated. Unless you're a developer yourself AND you are working together on the same project, you have NO IDEA how difficult or not the feature would be to integrate.
So, with that said, I could not bring myself (I am a developer) to vote for the other similar idea.
Stian commented
Yes please!
Anonymous commented
I would like to have a Timed Email feature that allows me to write an email NOW and have it actually sent at a designated time in the future. Although the great advantages of this service are not readily apparent, the service is a terrific boon in so many ways. For example, I can type out my agenda on Friday evening and have it sent to the meeting participants on Monday morning when I will arrive at their facility.
AdminProton (Admin, Proton) commented
Schedule Emails In Advance