Schedule Emails
I have another email service that allows users to schedule draft emails to be sent at a specified date/time in the future. Once the draft is complete, the email is automatically sent at the future specified date/time, unless that draft email is deleted/replaced prior to the send date/time. The draft email can either reside in an existing "draft" folder or a separate "outbox" folder (as distinguished from "draft" that does not have a scheduled send date/time).
Different Emphasis from Similar Postings:
I noticed a number of other similar postings, however, I wanted to provide this new posting to possibly emphasize something more than what I saw emphasized in other similar postings: closely related general delivery options. I would suggest ProtonMail allow every draft email to have a drop down menu that provides the option for selecting "Delivery Timing" using a calendar display for selection of a date and a time field to select/enter a corresponding time on that selected date (time should be clearly set for a selected time zone, e.g., CST or GMT, to reduce possibilities for confusion on timing). Again, whenever "Delivery Timing" options are selected, the draft email can then reside either in the existing "draft" folder or in a newly appearing "Outbox" for any pending emails to be sent at a future date/time. The other email service I use provides a range of closely related general delivery options to also include:
-- "Message Priority" (Low, ******, High);
-- "Private" (to help prevent email forwarding, if clients support that);
-- "Return Receipt" and
-- "Delivery Timing" (previously addressed)
I recommend ProtonMail make these general delivery option menus accessible via one additional icon next to the existing row of icons on draft emails for "Attachments," "Encryption" and "Encryption time." The icon could be a clock next to a letter (just a suggestion), since "Encryption time" already uses a clock icon.
I don't believe other similar postings emphasize these closely associated general delivery Options. I have previously given this other email provider feedback on perfecting their services in other areas (with different providers having different strengths/weaknesses), but this is one particular feature they have had for a very long time that I believe provides an excellent example to follow.

Asley Patricia commented
This post of sending schedules is so effective for all the surroundings and also my part is to be the favorite features of other email platforms I have used. But the most reactive and essential Assignment Master UK, are also very affordable in giving their best Assignments in whole UK.
Kat Dickson commented
I've only just learned that this feature doesn't exist for Protonmail! I'm not going to be able to fully migrate over until it does. It's unfortunate because I was ready to complete the switch but I'm going to have to stick with my previous provider for now.
Sunita Kumar commented
Is this a feature yet. I need to focus AND access zoom links in email but don't want to deal with new emails until the end of the day. Is this a feature yet?
JOHN C commented
I would like the option to be able to choose the date, and the time, that an e-mail is actually sent. This option does exist, but just not with Proton Mail.
You set the date, and time, and then once you send the e-mail it will sit in the Outbox until the appropriate time is reached. -
Jo Weiser commented
Very useful idea and it's already submitted. Please comment and vote on existing entries to increase awareness.
Jo Weiser commented
Very useful idea and it's already submitted. Please comment and vote on existing entries to increase awareness.
The entry linked further down points towards an idea more related to proton calendar (at least it was created in that category).
Jo Weiser commented
Very useful idea and it's already submitted. Please comment and vote on existing entries to increase awareness.
The entry linked further down points towards an idea more related to proton calendar (at least it was created in that category).
Jo Weiser commented
Very useful idea and it's already submitted. Please comment and vote on existing entries to increase awareness.
The entry linked further down points towards an idea more related to proton calendar (at least it was created in that category).
Jo Weiser commented
Very useful idea and it's already submitted. Please comment and vote on existing entries to increase awareness.
Jo Weiser commented
Very useful idea and it's already submitted. Please comment and vote on existing entries to increase awareness.
John Duston CPA commented
Has this happened yet?
Nicholas Lin commented
Absolutely need this feature. Gmail does this and it is incredibly helpful by removing an item off of my to-do list.
Mauricio commented
To schedule e-mail delivery improves productivity.
Chloe commented
Get on with this, Protonmail! Listen to your users!
Chloe commented
I wish I could give this 1k votes.
spacepanda commented
From what I see people have been asking you to add Schedule Send for years, and it it still not there. I would gladly move to Plus package if it was there, it is absolutely necessary and basic feature. Why is it still not done? Is there a technological limitation from your side which blocks it? Can you tell if the dev team at least has it in the backlog? Thank you
Jackub Rich commented
Yes, would be so excited to have this feature. Right now, we need to send emails on the same time to our website's ( clients. If we got this feature then our work will be more easy.
Michael commented
Yes! Would be so clutch to have this feature!!
Anonymous commented
Very useful idea and it's already submitted. Please vote and comment on existing entries to create awareness. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Very useful idea and it's already submitted. Please comment and vote on existing entries to increase awareness.