Schedule Emails
I have another email service that allows users to schedule draft emails to be sent at a specified date/time in the future. Once the draft is complete, the email is automatically sent at the future specified date/time, unless that draft email is deleted/replaced prior to the send date/time. The draft email can either reside in an existing "draft" folder or a separate "outbox" folder (as distinguished from "draft" that does not have a scheduled send date/time).
Different Emphasis from Similar Postings:
I noticed a number of other similar postings, however, I wanted to provide this new posting to possibly emphasize something more than what I saw emphasized in other similar postings: closely related general delivery options. I would suggest ProtonMail allow every draft email to have a drop down menu that provides the option for selecting "Delivery Timing" using a calendar display for selection of a date and a time field to select/enter a corresponding time on that selected date (time should be clearly set for a selected time zone, e.g., CST or GMT, to reduce possibilities for confusion on timing). Again, whenever "Delivery Timing" options are selected, the draft email can then reside either in the existing "draft" folder or in a newly appearing "Outbox" for any pending emails to be sent at a future date/time. The other email service I use provides a range of closely related general delivery options to also include:
-- "Message Priority" (Low, ******, High);
-- "Private" (to help prevent email forwarding, if clients support that);
-- "Return Receipt" and
-- "Delivery Timing" (previously addressed)
I recommend ProtonMail make these general delivery option menus accessible via one additional icon next to the existing row of icons on draft emails for "Attachments," "Encryption" and "Encryption time." The icon could be a clock next to a letter (just a suggestion), since "Encryption time" already uses a clock icon.
I don't believe other similar postings emphasize these closely associated general delivery Options. I have previously given this other email provider feedback on perfecting their services in other areas (with different providers having different strengths/weaknesses), but this is one particular feature they have had for a very long time that I believe provides an excellent example to follow.

Lola commented
Can you please fix this page to allow commenters to unflag any accidental comment flagging? I bumped a comment and now can’t unflag it. Thanks!
Victor S. commented
For example it is now by law illegal in Portugal to contact your staff as a boss after working hours.
While not illegal it is still seen as inappropriate in other countries/companies as well.And yes, it might be debatable weither an email is "contacting" or not since the employee can read it later (but gets a phone notification). But it's better to not have the debate in the first place.
Victor S. commented
Dear Protonmail Team,
is it possible to to create a feature where you can set a specific date/time in the future, at which the email will be send?
Sometimes it is not appropriate to send a specific mail late at night or on the weekend.
So it would be amazing if you could schedule a mail.Thank you very much!
Gary commented
For decades I have had the ability to draft messages which I could save and schedule for a timed/dated delivery. Examples of how I use this are as follows: (1) when dealing with global clients in different time zones, I can preschedule the message for delivery at a time that is NOT likely to awaken those who receive email on their cell phones. (2) I can schedule delivery of emails for a predetermined date/time which I expect to will be mutually beneficial for all involved. I usually also CC myself, so that the email get sent regardless of where I am or what I am doing. I also know what time it's going to go out, so if I am on the road, I can do a a remote follow up... Conversely, if I were on the road and had to send the email out last night or this morning for a call I was going to be making this afternoon or evening, I would have to worry that my message got buried among other messages for that customer which may have been piling up all day or overnight. (i.e. I can schedule to be sent an hour before a conference call etc. so that it is at the top of the stack when I call).
I say this is a DISQUALIFIER for ProtonMail, because my current email provider (Godaddy) has had this STANDARD feature for more than a decade.
Gary commented
As Luka pointed out this is a desperately needed feature....
I often compose emails for/to my clients in the early a.m. hours and schedule them to be sent at various points throughout the day. This helps in numerous ways. First it allows me to avoid disturbing any client who may receive email I enter during the middle of the night. This same point applies when sending email to clients in different time zones around the world.
My existing email is hosted with Godaddy and the ability to schedule sending of draft emails has LONG been a "STANDARD" feature of that product, at least for as long as I have had the service, which is more than 10 years.... -
luka commented
hi! first and foremost, this is a ProtonMail feature, not a Calendar one. but okay.
I'm a paid user, using PM both for my private correspondence and for my small business, and I need the scheduled e-mail desperately.
a client of mine is expecting an e-mail delivered to him tomorrow morning. now it's 1 AM and I can't sleep for some reason. I've written the e-mail, but I have to be awake at 8 am just to send it. that's not user friendly. please, give us this feature asap -
Anonymous commented
Je partage cette opinion :-)
knightowlnz commented
Scheduled send is great for when you work late or on weekends and you don't want to be annoying colleagues, clients and bosses with your incoming mail. Also means you don't look like a workaholic because you decided to clear your emails on a weekend or after dinner.
Anonymous commented
One of my most favourite features of other email platforms I have used is scheduled sends. Having the ability to send an email at any time in the future is amazing. Can you please, pretty please add this feature to proton mail? With this feature I believe proton mail will be one of the best email platforms out there. Along with the new Proton Drive, Proton Mail is well on it's way to #1.
anon commented
would be very keen to see a schedule function for proton; very keen to move my email work over to proton;
Anonymous commented
I work my varied hours (from home) but I don't want to bother people with out of hours emails. Would be great if I could set the email to send (or arrive) at a specific date and time.
Anonymous commented
I also agree. Outlook has this feature as well, where you can schedule the email to be sent the next day and so on at a set time. I use it quite often. It would be super useful to have, and as a paying customer, I'm a bit disappointed that this hasn't already been implemented.
Anonymous commented
+1 but why is this topic under the proton calendar suggestions now, and not the ProtonMail?
OC commented
GM has this feature to program an email to be send when you want, would be a great addition to PM
Anonymous commented
Yes, I agree this would enhance the ProtonMail offering a great deal.
virgil commented
Self explanatory. Just write an email in the evening and schedule it to be sent in the morning
kkkkkkkk commented
this would make protonmail perfect for me, i love the organization and everything else. this is the last feature that is a must have in my book.
Saar commented
Very useful idea. However, it's already submitted:
Please use the search before making ideas. ;)
Saar commented
There is already an idea for this
Please use the search before making ideas. ;)
Anonymous commented
Comme sur Gmail et d'autres messagerie, il serait bien de rajouter la possibilité de programmer la date et l'heure d'envoie d'un mail