Schedule Emails
I have another email service that allows users to schedule draft emails to be sent at a specified date/time in the future. Once the draft is complete, the email is automatically sent at the future specified date/time, unless that draft email is deleted/replaced prior to the send date/time. The draft email can either reside in an existing "draft" folder or a separate "outbox" folder (as distinguished from "draft" that does not have a scheduled send date/time).
Different Emphasis from Similar Postings:
I noticed a number of other similar postings, however, I wanted to provide this new posting to possibly emphasize something more than what I saw emphasized in other similar postings: closely related general delivery options. I would suggest ProtonMail allow every draft email to have a drop down menu that provides the option for selecting "Delivery Timing" using a calendar display for selection of a date and a time field to select/enter a corresponding time on that selected date (time should be clearly set for a selected time zone, e.g., CST or GMT, to reduce possibilities for confusion on timing). Again, whenever "Delivery Timing" options are selected, the draft email can then reside either in the existing "draft" folder or in a newly appearing "Outbox" for any pending emails to be sent at a future date/time. The other email service I use provides a range of closely related general delivery options to also include:
-- "Message Priority" (Low, ******, High);
-- "Private" (to help prevent email forwarding, if clients support that);
-- "Return Receipt" and
-- "Delivery Timing" (previously addressed)
I recommend ProtonMail make these general delivery option menus accessible via one additional icon next to the existing row of icons on draft emails for "Attachments," "Encryption" and "Encryption time." The icon could be a clock next to a letter (just a suggestion), since "Encryption time" already uses a clock icon.
I don't believe other similar postings emphasize these closely associated general delivery Options. I have previously given this other email provider feedback on perfecting their services in other areas (with different providers having different strengths/weaknesses), but this is one particular feature they have had for a very long time that I believe provides an excellent example to follow.

Christèle Blin commented
I'd love to be able to set a different default day and time to schedule when to send my emails, please. I usually need to send my emails a little later the same day, so the default "tomorrow 8am" option doesn't suit me at all.
It would be fantastic if this feature could be set up by each user in the Settings!
Thanks in advance <3
MM commented
Thank you for implementing this. Now please allow for scheduling more than 30 days in advance!
Martin Bellerive commented
We are evaluating Proton Mail and Google Workspace for our non-profit organization. This feature could be a deal buster as we must send emails to different time zones, and having the ability to schedule sending emails is critical.
I do not like Google as a company and would rather use Proton mail; however, we need this feature. - please add it!
Jlefavour commented
This is one of two issues that keep me using Zohomail. I have too many emails, will need to trim the fat sooner or later, and if Zoho does everything I need, and Proton does not...
blend commented
Has there been any news since August or is this feature still being worked on? :)
Alec AKA Chunks commented
Dying to have scheduled emails over here!
CFA commented
I would like to a feature to allow me to schedule to send an email at a specified date and time.
MichARom t commented
Waiting for this. This is a big lack actually in the protonmail ecosystem
Ben commented
Waiting for this!
thedemark commented
Also waiting for this
Private commented
Jim commented
This is a very good feature suggestion. Whenever I want to use it I have to go back to my Gmail account. It would be so much more convenient to have this feature in Protonmail. Why the delay?
Anonymous commented
@Josh, if that's true, I'll be exited to see that this post get's updated with "Planned" or something similar.
Josh Leslie commented
@Eric: from the August 2nd Proton Newsletter "Also coming soon are scheduled email sending and scheduled email deletion."
Eric commented
I will very likely transition to another service within the next week or two. It looks like this is being ignored by the development team. I can't wait any longer.
I will leave my original comment, as follows:
I need to send some emails at specific times. I travel a lot; do to travel schedules, it is often difficult or impossible to send important emails in the required window. This option must be a server based option as well, so I don't have to have my computer on a network at the send time for it to work.
The lack of this one feature is likely to force me to transition to another email service very soon. To do this, I am currently using another email provider, which I prefer not use. I am seriously looking at other alternatives: This is that important to me. I would jump to a paid plan if this were added, as there are some options available in a paid plan I could also use. -
Jared Howland commented
Having the ability to schedule recurring emails would make Proton Mail the best option out there for me.
Anonymous commented
Please !
This feature is very important ! -
J.F. Levi commented
This request has been going on for how many years...
I'd like to move to "ProtonMail" but the lack of this feature is holding me.
Is it that difficult to implement?
Zu commented
I will switch immediately from Gmail when/if scheduling emails to be sent at a specific time is implemented.
Anonymous commented
I'd love this! But it should come with a "conditional" feature. I.e. "only send next week IF I haven't gotten a reply from certain addresses by then". (E.g. adjustable by Sieve)