Popout composer window
It would be great if the composer window could popout to its own window, not just be popup or full screen size inside the window. On a laptop, it conceals too much of the inbox messages, which are nice to consult when writing an email.

secnetsys commented
Having this feature would enable copy/paste from other emails, browsing through folders,...
jerry trent commented
I've been reporting this obvious insufficiency for years. They don't care. They'd rather fiddle with the color scheme.
If my proton email were not registered with hundreds of sites, I'd ditch this unresponsive, illogical company. Certainly I can't recommend it to other people. -
Josh Porter commented
I'd like to see this, too! As well as the ability to pop out an email message into a new window.
Anonymous commented
It is very taxing to compose a message on a laptop because of the small window. A separate window to compose would be a huge improvement.
Ross commented
Came here to post this request. I often want to copy from the main screen as I write so being able to position the compose window anywhere, and resizing would be great. In Gmail i can do it by shift-clicking the Compose button.