Snooze email in web app
Having the ability to snooze and schedule emails would be really great! Thanks for your consideration, these are the only two features I miss from Gmail.

Snoozing an email through the web app is now available!
As always, thank you for your continued feedback!
To follow progress on snoozing from the mobile app, please follow:
samar commented
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Anonymous commented
Hi! Quick requests/ideas on this snoozing thread, based on my experience with the amazing email client Superhuman:
• Allow custom snooze instructions
For instance, be able to type "next week" or "in 2 days" and get the conversation snoozed then. From a UI perspective, it looks like a Cmd+K menu/search.
• Add the ability to pick "last used"
For instance, let's say I snooze a first conversation to Sep 10. Then, if I open the snooze menu on a second conversation, I'd get a "last used" option proposed that matches Sep 10. I find it very helpful to quickly get to inbox zero.
Thanks a lot for everything you do. Keep up the great work, team!
Bart commented
Agree with 'RBM', currently the option to snooze mail seems only possible when grouping conversations. Please make this option available without this grouping.
RBM commented
PLEASE enable snooze feature without requiring that the inbox be in "Conversation" mode. Lots of people don't like threaded conversations.
besh commented
I don't see the snooze action in the web app currently. Was this reverted? I saw it there already earlier.
ekasprzak commented
Why is snoozing only available in Inbox?
I purchased a paid Mail plan mostly because of folders+labels+rules.
That gives me the ability to organize everything and put all in specific folders.
Because of that I use "Inbox" only for new/unknown (not put in folder via rule YET) kind of emails.So, I was awaiting this feature for almost 10 years (it was requested in 2015) and seems like I can't actually use it, cause >95% of my emails intentionally do not enter Inbox.
I hope you have plans to expand the functionality to be able to use in folders too.
Christopher commented
Christmas has come early!
Anonymous commented
This is great news, thanks!
IMTheNachoMan commented
Oh. Oh. This is is promising. I'm liking it. Thank you!
Phillip Capiral commented
Josiah Redding commented
Thanks you guys this is great!
blend commented
Very handy feature, thanks :)
Heisenberg commented
great!!! When can i use it in android app ?
Lukas commented
@mars where do you see it?
Mars commented
I just noticed that the snooze function is now here!
Magnus commented
Yep. This is a big part of the "Inbox Zero" idea. Every single email has an action taken, even if that action is to defer action. At least that's done explicitly. Would love to see this.
Robert Walraven commented
I’m considering canceling my newly purchased ultimate bundle after discovering NO SNOOZE option !! When will this new added??
Josiah Redding commented
The scheduled send is great but we do need the ability to snooze an email or dismiss it from the inbox but have it boomerang back into the inbox at a specified date in the future.
Nur Alom commented
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Pre Rey commented
As so many others have already noted, this is a big one for me. I honestly think about it every single day. Thanks for all your hard work on making it happen!