Improve keyboard shortcuts (gmail like)
Gmail's keyboard shortcuts are basically an industry standard and something many have become used to. e for archive is a must, and the l and v shortcuts are crucial as well.
dc commented
This is the one major reason I don't switch fully to Protonmail. Please provide a choice of keyboard shortcut (i.e. proton or gmail)... or harmonize with the industry standard. thanks -
Ed commented
Ed commented
I too would like to implement gmail style shortcuts.
Having this would help adoption and could be a selling point to help other power users migrate to protonmail, knowing they'll be able to use standard shortcuts (or adjust to fit their existing work style. -
ye commented
+3 for being able to move a message/conversation to a folder without mousing. Yahoo does this wonderfully: type "d" to open the move menu. Folders are numbered 1 through 9 based on alphabetical order; you can use arrow keys to navigate down further, if you have more folders...
Anonymous commented
+2 for move to folder with a keyboard shortcut.
dc commented
Very difficult to use Proton mail when you are used to using the keyboard to get quickly through email. Please map the keyboard shortcuts to Gmail or provide a global option to use Gmail shortcut mapping. I cannot make a switch to Proton Mail fully until keyboard shortcuts are clean.
Anonymous commented
I would like to add CC addresses without having to mouse over to the dropdown to add the CC fields when adding recipients. Gmail's shortcut is cmd+shift+c to add the CC input.
Thank you.
Mark Reeves commented
If I'm using j/k to navigate the inbox, o to open a message is less of a reach than using the left/right arrow keys.
Mark Reeves commented
+1 for move to folder with a keyboard shortcut.
Lucas Nelson commented
Even just an option to use the gmail version of the keyboard shortcuts would help! I constantly hit the wrong keys in protonmail :(
Raine Revere commented
+1 for filter
Hunter Grubbs commented
Please implement more keyboard shortcuts for managing mail message. An example would be keyboard shortcuts to open the "Move to folder" and "Apply label" dialog. This is similar to GMail's shortcut, when you have a message(s) selected and press the "v" key. Currently I have to mouse around to do this, and organizing messages is such a core feature, I don't think using the mouse each and every time should be necessary.
Anonymous commented
I specifically just want the gmail style "l" key to apply labels to selected messages from the inbox view. Having to switch to mouse is really slowing me down when sorting through a group of new messages.
Anonymous commented
I'd love for ProtonMail to make this configurable or at least mimic Gmail and Fastmail. That seems like the uniform standard.
Anonymous commented
I agree. The "t" for trash is problematic when trying to open a new browser tab.
joel commented
Agree, I don't think it makes sense to use only arrow keys for movement between messages. 'j' and 'k' is more practical in combination with e.g. marking a message as unread, since the hand can stay on the home row. Likewise, I wish 'o' could be used for opening emails. The current function of 'j' and 'k' could be mapped to 'shift-j' and 'shift-k'. And the easiest way to make everyone happy is of course being able to customize the shortcuts...
Naftuli Kay commented
Currently, ProtonMail has keyboard shortcuts, but there's no way to modify them.
In my current Gmail setup, I've mapped "i" to be "go to inbox, "j" is used to navigate to the next message, "k" is used to navigate to the previous message, "u" is used to mark a message unread, etc.
Being able to rebind these key would be really awesome!