Show attachments at top of email (including in conversations)
When I want to quickly get the attachment of an email that is many pages long (e.g. due to reply list), I always have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the mail to find it. This is annoying. Why not put attachments at the top?

Russle commented
Feature request: Move the attachment link to the email header or details pane. See picture.
Reason: I'm on an email thread with multiple people using their work accounts that has gone on for a while now, so the quoted text is insanely long. When there's an attachment, I have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to find it. And then there's no direct way to jump back up to the message.
This recently garnered a great deal of support on Reddit. has been suggested at least twice before on this forum. one of the redditors commented, attachments at the bottom is what Gmail does. Don't be like Gmail.
Anonymous commented
YES YES YES. This is an easy UI win. I negotiate contracts using email. Always a pain to scroll all the way down to the bottom to get the attachments.
Make attachments accessible at the top. At the very least link the top paperclip icon to scroll down to the bottom where the attachments are.
Anonymous commented
Currently attachments are at the bottom of the email. In my business I have email conversations which are very long. Attachments at the bottom of the email lead to many missed attachments. Please put attachments on the top of the email.
Anonymous commented
Attachments displayed at the bottom of the email are extremely difficult to find specially when there are long chain of emails. User have to scroll down to the first email history find the email attachment. Solution is simple, attachments should be displayed at the top of the email, not the bottom.
Anonymous commented
I have an email thread now with over 40 entries. When an attachment is received, it is about 3 metres down the thread. Why can you not put the attachment link up with the new email like other email services (Yandex, Office 365.....)
Thomas commented
HUGE agreement from me. I have emails with absurdly long threads in the body, and I can see at the top the paperclip icon - This really needs to be clickable to retrieve attachments! Such a simple thing that would improve quality of life by a great deal.
Anonymous commented
If we get attached files after a few back and forth in an email chain, it takes forever to scroll down to where we can click to download the attached files. They should just show up on top of the email instead of at the bottom.
Simon Walker commented
I've just used the web application to send an email and attach two files. I really had to look for the attach files button and found it right at the bottom of the composer window. This doesn't make any sense. Could it be moved to the toolbar at the top of the composer window?
Paul M commented
It's so annoying scrolling all the way to the bottom to see attachments :\
Fabrice Clavien commented
Seeing attachments at the top of emails rather than having to scroll all the way down to look for it. Or even better, having the option (in settings) to choose between having attachments appear at the top or bottom of emails. One option could be that, we clicking on the attachment icon, you can access the attachment directly, saving time and trouble.
jjms commented
How was this not in the original design?! And since it inexplicably was not, how does this design change request not have tons of votes?! I love protonmail, except for the missing or odd design choices that make it seem clunky and antiquated.
Anonymous commented
When I have an email with a long series of replies with an attachment, I have to scroll all the way down to download it and I think it is not very practical. Could it be possible that you place an option to download attachments at the beggining, where the information of the senders and the attachment is?
Thank you in advance.
Antoine commented
I've been in long email/conversation and I need to always scroll down to go find the attachments.
Would it be possible to set the attachments section at the top ?
Anonymous commented
At the moment, the attachements are at the bottom of an email. If an email is long, scrolling to the attachements is inconvenient. It would be great to have them at the top (under the From/To fields), or at least to have a menu option to save all attachments.
Srikar commented
Yes, the attachments are in a very inconvenient location in long email chains and sometimes hard to find. This would be a very useful feature!
qtm commented
Agreed, this annoys me too!
Arnaud Dessein commented
Today, e-mails attachment as shown at the bottom of the mail. In case of long mails they are not easily seen. Moreover, it is now a common design on webmails (Outlook, google...) to display the list of attachements (buttons for download) in the header frame. Please move the attachment list at the top.
Anonymous commented
ce serait super si les pièces jointes pouvaient être ouvertes depuis les en-têtes des email. Sur les longues conversations, il faut scroller jusqu'en bas pour les trouver, ce qui est moins pratique
Pete commented
I came here to create this suggestion. I'm using the beta version and it's the most glaring issue for me. The mobile experience is actually pretty good, attachments are nested at the top of whatever email they come with. But on desktop you have to scroll and it's not only time consuming but difficult to find.
Laercio commented
In the web browser version the files attached should be at the top of the message similar what we have in the App.
I request this because when I receive a long message (many replies) sometimes a miss the attach because they are at the bottom of the message and not visible on screen.