Show attachments at top of email (including in conversations)
When I want to quickly get the attachment of an email that is many pages long (e.g. due to reply list), I always have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the mail to find it. This is annoying. Why not put attachments at the top?

P commented
This is a must ASAP. Why would anyone want to have to scroll scroll scroll to the bottom of every email to see the attachment!!!!! Frustrating! :)
David commented
When an email chain gets very long, you have to continually scroll to the bottom to find the attachments to a new email. But it would be more user friendly, if email attachments were located just under the From and To information, like Outlook.
Bastien commented
Yes definitely something worth fixing!
CZ commented
I agree completely. I would imagine something like Outlook display. An other solution would be that previous email exchanges are hidden in the email, so there would be no need to scroll down for ages (but I know Proton will answer that emails are not read, so this is not feasible).
Grafikdesignery commented
It would make Proton's Web Mail resp. the use of Proton Mail more useable, if the attachment would be shown direktly on top after the sender and recipient's name (in best case with a small preview), so users wouldn't always have to scroll all the way down.
jb commented
Could you please introduce this?
There is at now 135 votes, and this feature is also required by 6 other topics which totalize 18 more votes : -
Hannah commented
This is why I came here! Scrolling up and down is tedious, Text should be oriented at the bottom always.
James commented
Please add this, I keep missing important attachments because I don't notice them underneath all the text. Plus even when I do remember to look down there, it's incredibly annoying to have to scroll down past the text to open or save attachments.
Tom commented
My suggestion is to show attachments at the top of grouped conversation. In large groups I have to scroll a lot to get to the bottom, where the attachments are placed now. If I would find them at the top, it would be much easier. Or – even better – show them at the top AND at the bottom … you´ll never know.
I wish a happy new year to all at Proton =) Tom
Juan Ignacio commented
Please, this is very important.
It is extremely annoying to scroll and scroll to find attachments.
I have lost a lot of files because of this.
I am a hushmail user and I am testing Proton, this issue with attachments is stopping the migration of the entire company team. -
Simon Curran commented
This has 126 votes and so many comments, plus it's obvious. Sadly, Google just doesn't care.
Pierre Dugland commented
really bad UX for something that most people do all day (get attachments after a long back and forth of emails).
all other providers have them on top or give you a way to collapse the conversation to get to the attached files quickly. -
Fabrice Lemaitre commented
Show the attachement on top of the email browser we do not have to scroll bottom down on long email string to finally discover the attachement
Sevenstreets commented
I'd love to have the option to display attachments at the top of emails instead of at the bottom. They are sometimes easy to miss (the little attachment paperclip is easy to miss).
lou commented
c'est urgent svp!!
Alok commented
I have suggestion which comes from my own personal experience. It would be great if the attachments can be shown on top of the email instead at the bottom (on the web). If I want to get to the attachment, then I have to scroll down till the end before I can download or view the attachment. For long running thread of email, sometimes it becomes very annoying.
Elsa commented
Agreed! It's such a pain and makes me feel disorganized. When I bundle messages by conversation and have a long email chain (e.g. the 47 message one I'm using now), it takes so long to get to the bottom of a message for the attachments that I'm usually not sure that I'm still in the right message. The current design makes feel unsure and worried and puts multiple annoying obstacles in the way of answering an important question.
Bertrand commented
Lorsqu'on navigue dans une longue conversation (dans un email), il faut descendre tout en bas de la conversation pour accéder aux pièces jointes, c'est très agaçant !
Marco commented
When email conversations get long, the attachments can only be found after a lot of scrolling (scrolling past the conversation). I propose to have the attachments in the email header section, where they are visible immediately (since usually, the attachments are quite important).
Alternatively: Collapse past conversations by default.
Yann M commented
They see me scrolling....