Create subfolders within folders

Angus SF commented
On Android, in order to copy a folder, I first must create that folder on ProtonDrive, select it on ProtonDrive, then navigate to it on the phone and select all files. If there are subfolders I must create each manually. Should be able to select a folder and upload it as a tree.
Richard@Tokhouse commented
On the email service I am migrating from to my paid proton mail account the function of adding sub folders under a main folder is an extremely useful function to keep all emails under a folder category organized,
For example I have a main folder named tenants and each tenant under that folder has a sub folder that can be collapsed and expanded in the main folder with a click. Also any inbox email can easily be added to the individual tenant folder.
Allan Carlson commented
I would also like to see the upgrade to sub-folders to help all users to better organize there emails.
John Gerber commented
Option to Collapse all subfolder Shortcut please
Anonymous commented
Had I known you did not have the simple feature of subfolders, I would not have upgraded. I feel like I just wasted my money. I am going to make sure auto-renew is not on, then forget I ever visited your site. Pitiful for a paid email service.
de Carlos commented
en effet, c'ets pas très bien sans sous-dossiers... A cause de ça ce n'est pas la solution que je vais garder
Staffan commented
I just noted that development of the feature "nested folders" (subfolders / hierarchical folders) is said to have been started up. The lack of this feature is a showstopper for our company in joining in with ProtonMail.
However, when working together in teams, handling for example customers, it is essential that a sales team can share the email threads to the customers. A feature "Shared subfolders" would be much appreciated.
Outlook supports this. Thunderbird supports it provided the mail server does it.
anonimo commented
You need the ability to divide folders into subfolders for greater clarity in the categorization of emails. In this way it becomes difficult to find and archive the various types of emails.
Ruarc commented
c’est le ba-ba d’une boîte mail
Walt Chesbro commented
Agreed! Time for sub-folders!
Anonymous commented
Without subfolders the software doesn't work for me as I can't organise my emails. It is a basic requirement of any filing system system. I will sadly have to close down my account. It's like a car with only one gear!!!
Anonymous commented
Yeah I requested this feature a fair amount of months ago and I have not seen any progress towards releasing it. As said below, it is not that hard to implement. ProtonMail, it is about time to implement nested folders (NOW) or you are going to start losing clients and getting very very bad reviews. I have given you a few months buffer here but if I don't see a clear commitment on your side, I'm out. Sub-folders is an essential feature for any professional (i.e. payment) e-mail service.
PM User commented
I cant believe that ProtonMail doesn't have this feature! We need nested labels, or even better nested folders, so we as users can organize thousands of E-Mails we have.
It is 2020 now and ProtonMail users have been requesting the feature of making sub-folders (nested folders) for 3 years now. I am a software developer so I know that to implement this feature is not difficult! Sub-foldrs help us organize E-Mail and solve the clutter. This feature is very important for businesses and is a real deal breaker.
Charles Richard commented
I really wish to see the capability of adding subfolders to at least one level. For example, I have a folder that captures all email addressed to my business email. I wish to create folders one level below this folder that separates the emails out into folders one for each of my customers and one each for the services to which I subscribe. Subfolders will go a long way to organizing these emails.
Chris Martin commented
Hello Protonmail-Team!
Can you please give us an update to the lack of ab subfolder feature.
This issue is very important.
Thank you in advance!
Chris Martin commented
Yes, the lack of ab subfolder feature is really so bad that I will switch provider. After only one month I already have lost the overview due to the lack!
Sadly I have a contract for one year...
James commented
I looked under subfolders and I saw that it was marked "completed", but I still can't seem to be able to create a subfolder. Can you please let me know when we can expect this feature.
James -
Anonymous commented
This would be immensely helpful. It would also allow me to recommend protonmail to more folks.
Anonymous commented
I just came to realize that I cannot create sub-folders and as a consequence I will have to revert back to Gmail -- I really find it absolutely amazing that Protonmail does not have this facility
Richard commented
I vote for this too.