Set a default compose font
As one of those typeface afficionados, I would love to see a feature where I can set a default compose font. Currently the compose screen defaults to Arial.
Fred Frank commented
10 years ago you could customize your Email composition. For a paid program, there are not a lot of options.
MARMAR DD commented
I totally agree, we should be able to enlarge the font size.
EricM commented
Seconded. I'd like to see this feature as well.
EricM commented
Matthew, do you mean the default font settings for composing messages?
I would like to see that as well.
Eric -
Anonymous commented
I agree with this. I tried earlier to find a way to change the default 14 font to something bigger, since 14 is very small on my desktop, but I cannot find a way to do it. I vote for this improvement!
Matthew Blake commented
Would it be possible to add a option in the settings to allow for choosing the default font and size, so that you don't have to either use Arial and 14 or have to change it every single email? That can get pretty annoying and frustrating. Thanks!!
Elliott commented
I'm really surprised this feature isn't implemented yet. I find it a bit frustrating after writing several dozen email a day, that I have to manually set my size and font type every time I compose a new email. They allow it for your signature, but not when you actually type out your email. Additionally you should be able to set the style for the "Sent with Proton Secure Email" as well.
Laurent commented
Everything is in the title, can we have an option to choose the default font for writing emails?
Anonymous commented
Please provide the ability to set the default composition font.
Laura commented
Please enable a global setting that allows a user to change the font size for all emails they write/compose. This setting would help elderly and visually disabled people a lot. Setting the font size every time a person writes an email is extra effort that should not be necessary.
Bob commented
There is a serious need to be able to set compose defaults, ie font, size, etc for basically all of the compose options
Matthew Motley commented
Allow a settings button where the default font (and font size, etc) can be changed.
Ozwald Pressly commented
Proton should add the ability for the User to set default font type and font size for all outgoing mail. The current default font type is not acceptable for most business communications. I do not like wasting my time setting the font type and size before I send every message. I desire to continue being a paid Proton customer, for now, but this feature problem is major strike against Proton Mail.
jack commented
I'd like to be able to compose in a larger font than the current default as a set preference.
Anonymous commented
Yes. I can customize my signature but then I have to format e-mail text to match my signature. That is just plain weird.
N. A. commented
In the ProtonMail compose mode, it would be great if we could set a default font size and style, instead of having to change every time. Presently, I have readjust the size of the font each time I start a new paragraph.
This feature has been standard in G-Mail, Yahoo Mail (and Hotmail, WAY BACK when I used to use it - prior to 2006).
Dawn commented
I am surprised that you still have not updated your email to be able to permanently set fonts. This seems so basic a function, and I get weary of having to do this manually with nearly every single email I send.
Paul Joyce commented
Have a setting that allows us to set the default setting for Font type, Font size and colour etc. This would apply to all new emails we have to write or reply to
Dawn commented
Ability to set font to size style and color one time without having to reset it with every email. Standard setting is way too small