Snooze email in web app
Having the ability to snooze and schedule emails would be really great! Thanks for your consideration, these are the only two features I miss from Gmail.
Snoozing an email through the web app is now available!
As always, thank you for your continued feedback!
To follow progress on snoozing from the mobile app, please follow:
Greysen Paige commented
This is the single most important feature to me at this point.
Eric Berry commented
I was just about to ask the same thing
Adam Ralph commented
Started Apr 21, 2020.
Any update?
Eric L Linthicum commented
Adding this not-so-new, nearly standard feature will add substantially to your user base. Zero Inbox folks need this.
For now, I'll be on the sidelines with my little test account until this is added. Thank you for a much needed private email service. -
Anonymous commented
Can't wait to try this feature when it's ready!
Jonathan Neumann commented
I second this. The minute there is a snooze feature on ProtonMail I am leaving Gmail. It allows me to be reminded of purchase emails once the warranty or return window expires, and to delete these emails instead of having them linger in my inbox.
Plops commented
I'm using the snooze feature for years (it had been introduced by Dropbox Mailbox in 2013, then implemented in GMail). That's a must have for me, and that's the only reason why I didn't leave GMail for ProtonMail yet.
Anonymous commented
Really itching and waiting for this!
Jay C commented
ModLife commented
+1 yeah must needed.
Hal M commented
+1 Soon?
Chad F commented
Love this feature in Gmail. Now exists on Outlook also.
Mikaël commented
I need this also to move fully from Gmail to here!
Anonymous commented
+1 Loving proton mail and this feature will make it even better!
Nicky B commented
Yes please!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Really really itching to get this feature! I love this feature in Gmail as well as web based Outlook. It is a must have for productivity and managing my inbox!!! Please implement this! If an email is not ready to follow-up on, Gmail and Web based outlook allow you to 'Snooze' the email so that it gets moved to a "scheduled" folder and then it shows back up in your inbox at a later time based on how long you snoozed it for. An email can be snoozed until lets say July 30, 2021 at 10am and then that email gets moved to the scheduled folder and then on July 30, 2021 at 10am it shows back up in the inbox. This is critical and must have!
Anonymous commented
please implement this!!!
Anonymous commented
Surely this must be close? It's the only reason i am still using gmail!!
Fernando commented
Aqui no Brasil também esperamos por este recurso!