Show all labels on web and desktop
On mobile, if an email has multiple labels applied, all the labels are shown side by side.
On web, I only see one label an the symbol + and number that indicates any further label applied.
There is no need to hide labels on web, there is plenty of room to show them. Also this creates inconsistency with mobile.

Maroto commented
Labels lose much of their value if they cannot all be displayed. In the mobile app, they are visible, but in the desktop version, they are NOT. It's nonsensical. An icon with [+n] is not indicative of anything; it's quite useless when it comes to viewing emails. Please make it so that all labels can be displayed. I recall that in the web version, all labels used to be visible.
Deep Bits commented
Please show all the labels. It is ridiculous that they can be viewed on small mobile interface but not on large desktop screen !!!
Anonymous commented
This is critical! Thanks
Power Ranger commented
This is a much needed suggestion. Kindly see to this @ProtonTeam
Alastair Mitchell commented
If an email has multiple labels on it it is currently displayed as
[label 1] [+1]
Whereas I'd prefer it show the full labels
[label 1] [label 2] etc.
It currently does this on mobile (iOS)
voyager2bird commented
Scott commented
I use labels instead of folders to categorize my emails. It is driving me crazy that I only see a single label with +n which requires me to hover to see what the additional labels are. Please fix this.
n_m commented
Currently, on the mobile version of the webapp when an email has two or more labels applied, there shows up a "+1"-icon regeardless if there is enough space or not, hiding the other labels and showing only one.
To see the other labels you have to open the email which is very annoying.Please change that and show all labels as far as there is enogh space for that.
Coen Holten commented
The labels that are on the top of your list of labels will be the first to show. By rearranging the order, you might get the label show you want to see.
But seeing multiple labels if present, would help me too.
Ken M. Haggerty commented
Yes please! One key purpose of labels is to make scanning your inbox more glanceable. Right now only the first label is visible, with the rest merely represented by a "+n" label that shows their names in a tooltip on hover. If horizontal space allows, I would like as many labels visible as possible, with the rest at least hinted at by their color.
Scott commented
It now only shows a single label on an email and then a +1 for extra ones. Really annoying as it broke my to expand all labels inline.
Ezra commented
I'm too in favor of improved visibility of labels. Not only when there are multiple labels but for single labels too.
I suggest to make either borders of the labels thicker or right away filled label boxes with text colors that are well visible against the label color.
Ezra -
John commented
If an email carries 2 labels, make them both 100% visible. Currently one is hidden behind the other - the more important one may be hidden.
John commented
If an email carries 2 labels, make them both 100% visible. Currently one is hidden behind the other - the more important one may be hidden.
Dino commented
The power of labels lies in the ability to have multiple labels per email.
At the moment, when there are more than 1 labels assigned to an email, they are stacked and you can only see the top one, having to hover over it to expand them and see the rest.This negates the whole point of having multiple labels as an easy visual way to identify the labelled emails.
It would be much better for productivity and ease of use if multiple labels were unstacked and shown fully.